Deliveries Voorbeeldclausules

Deliveries. The given delivery dates shall always be regarded as approximate. An agreed upon delivery date stars with the receipt of the confirmation of the order at the buyer, but not before the permissions, approvals, information as well as the receipt of the agreed upon deposit to be obtained, have been produced by the buyer as per agreement to execute the order. The delivery date is considered in effect when the buyer is notified of the readiness to forward, or delivery takes place by the end of the agreed upon delivery date. Delays in delivery due to force majeure, strike, non foreseeable breakdown, delays in supplies due to in-suppliers transport bottlenecks, shortage of raw material, official measures and other circumstances which are not our responsibility, justify reasonable changes of the delivery dates and delivery times. In the case of any delay in delivery, the buyer is entitled to refuse the acceptance of delayed deliveries , after the lapse of a written granted reasonable extension by the buyer of at least two weeks. Beyond that, the buyer has no claims against us in the mentioned cases. The approximate claims to which the buyer is entitled, in the case of delay of performance or the im-possibility of delivery, are limited in so far as only compensation for the foreseeable damage can be demanded. The forgoing limitation on liability does not apply if the reason for the delay of the perfor-mance and/or the impossibility of service is based on intention or gross negligence of one of our legal representatives or of one of our vicarious agents.
Deliveries. 1) All delivery periods are approximate. Late delivery shall never confer a right of dissolution of the contract or in respect of indemnity. Assortments are to be specified so that they enable us to execute the orders within the foreseen delivery periods.

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