Deposit Voorbeeldclausules

Deposit. Per stay you must have transferred an amount of 350 euros as a deposit for the use of Casa Xxxxxx. At the end of your stay, this amount will be transferred back to you within 1 week minus any costs, which will of course be handled in consultation with you.
Deposit. If you have paid a deposit, it will be returned to you within two weeks of the end of the rental agreement. This is only different if you are in arrears with payments and/or there is consequential damage to your home. In that case, we will first set this off against the deposit. We will pay back what remains within thirty days of the end of the rental agreement. In that case, we will give you an overview of the costs.
Deposit. The rent deposit is provided by the tenant at the earliest three months before this rental agreement comes into effect and not later than ..................................................................................................................................................................................... The deposit is one month rent, i.e. € ...................460................ n The tenant will deposit the deposit with a financial institution on an individualised and blocked guarantee account in his/her name. ▄ The tenant will pay the deposit by bank transfer to the account number mentioned in article 5. The interest accrued is capitalized for the benefit of the tenant. The deposit can never be counted as rent by the tenant. The deposit may be withheld in whole or in part if the tenant has not fulfilled his/her rental obligations. The burden of proof for this lies with the landlord. The deposit or the balance thereof shall be released or returned to the tenant, plus the interest to IBAN account ................................................................................................. with BIC number , bank , within three months after the tenant has left the property, unless the landlord contested the return within that period by registered letter to the tenant. When a new tenancy agreement is concluded, the deposit is transferred.
Deposit. After accepting any Device from Uber you agree to transfer a safety deposit to Uber for the corresponding amount having been communicated by Uber to you separately. Such deposit amounts can also be debited in one or more installments from any payment to be transferred to you in relation to your use of the UberEATS platform.
Deposit. For every booked period, a deposit of € 500,- will be paid by the tenant. Refund of the deposit (deducted from consumption of energy and possible damage) occurs within 14 days after the end of the lease. With the deposit the following items are settled: - More energy use (Villa Solo/Playa is incl. 40 KwH per day and Villa Laman is incl. 60 KwH per day); more consumption € 0.40 per KwH - For non-garbage-free delivery € 25,- will be deducted from the deposit - The dishes should be left in the dishwasher and/or clean. If this dirt is left behind € 25,- will be deducted from the deposit. The deposit must be transferred at least 60 days prior to arrival, at the same time as the second installment of the rental price.
Deposit. 5.1. A deposit of EUR 500,- per accommodation must be paid no later than 14 days before arrival. This deposit is intended to cover any damage to the Object or in case of breach of these conditions.

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