Our services Voorbeeldclausules

Our services. STIP goes to great lengths to achieve the best results for you, but needs your help in doing so. You are therefore obliged to pro- vide all cooperation that is required. Fur- thermore, you are obliged to provide all rele- vant information (including any changes in your contact and billing information) honest- ly, completely and in a timely manner. You guarantee that third party rights do not op- pose the material, such as images and texts, made available to STIP.
Our services. STIP goes to great lengths to achieve the best results for you, but needs your help. You are therefore obliged to provide all nec- essary cooperation. You are further obliged to provide all relevant information (including any changes to your contact and billing de- tails) honestly, completely and in a timely manner. You guarantee that rights of third parties do not oppose the material made available to STIP, such as images and texts.
Our services. Stip strives to achieve the best result for you, but needs your help. You are therefore obliged to provide all the cooperation that is required. You are also obliged to provide all relevant information (including any changes to your contact and billing information) in a fair, complete and timely manner. You guar- antee that third-party rights do not oppose the material made available to Stip, such as images and text.
Our services. You may expect the following services from Licensor: (i) the granting of access to the Services, in accordance with the Order Form; (ii) the provision of basic support for the Services; (iii) a reasonable exertion from Licensor to keep the Services available for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for the Purchaser, with the exception of: (a) planned unavailability (‘downtime’; you will always be informed accordingly at least 24 hours in advance), and (b) unavailability that was caused by circumstances that lie outside our reasonable control, such as government measures, fire, natural disasters, strikes, pandemics, strikes (not in which our own employees are involved), or the failure and/or delays of internet service providers. In consultation, Licensor can offer additional services. Additional services are always established between Licensor and Purchaser beforehand in writing.

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