Personnel a) The Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection, the Netherlands, shall be responsible for the local administrative coordination, including arranging:
(i) Suitable accommodation for officials of the IAEA, lecturers, IAEA selected participants;
(ii) Local transportation, as required and agreed upon;
(iii) Lunches and dinners during the event for the participants;
(iv) Lunches during the event for the lecturers and officials of the IAEA; and
(v) One hospitality event for the participants and all lecturers. The cost of one hospitality event will be borne by the IAEA.
b) Assumption of the travel costs and subsistence allowance for guest lecturers/technical experts from the Government, as appropriate.
c) Assumption of the cost of services, travel costs and subsistence allowance for the Course Director, administrative and auxiliary staff from the Government, as required, for the proper conduct of the event, including the maintenance and operation of the equipment at the training premises.
Personnel. From the day the meeting starts until the last day of the meeting inclusive: One secretary fluent in English to assist the scientific secretary, One conference clerk for the meeting room. In addition to the above specific tasks, all servicing staff must be pre- pared to perform other duties in connection with the preparation and run- ning of the meeting, and in particular to provide assistance in compiling and distribution of documents whenever necessary. Vienna, 28 November 1994 Sir,
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 29 Septem- ber 1994, which reads as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that my Government is prepared to host the meeting in question. My Government considers your letter and my reply as an agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt of this reply and shall remain in force for the dura- tion of the Meeting and for such additional period as is necessary for its winding up, the total duration of this agreement however not to exceed one year. Please accept, Xxx, the assurances of my high consideration.
Personnel. All servicing staff are required to be fluent in English.
a) Administrative staff: To perform under the supervision of the IAEA Conference Organizer as follows: Sunday: 3 clerks Set-up/packing of conference bags (approx. 10:00-16:00) Pre-registration (approx. 16:00-18.00) Monday: 4 clerks Registration and information (2 clerks) Plenary room (PowerPoint presentations, nameplates , microphones) (2 clerks) Tuesday to Thursday: 4 clerks Registration and information (2 clerks) Plenary room (PowerPoint presentations, nameplates, microphones) (2 clerks) In addition to the above specific tasks, all servicing staff must be prepared to perform other duties in connection with the preparation and running of the conference, and to provide assistance in compil- ing and distributing documents whenever necessary.
Personnel. Equipment, accommodation and environment 4.4 Design of proficiency testing schemes 4.5 Choice of method or procedure 4.6 Operation of proficiency testing schemes 4.7 Data analysis and evaluation of proficiency testing scheme results 4.8 Reports 4.9 Communication with participants 4.10 Confidentiality
Personnel. From the day the meeting starts until the last day of the meeting inclu- sive: One secretary/conference clerk fluent in English to assist the scientific secretary. Staff needed to prepare, install and operate the technical facili- ties and equipment mentioned in paras 2 and 3. One conference clerk. In addition to the above specific tasks, all servicing staff must be pre- pared to perform other duties in connection with the preparation and run- ning of the meeting, and in particular to provide assistance in compiling and distribution of documents whenever necessary. Vienna, 24 April 1997 Sir,
I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 3 March 1997, 622-I3-TC-389.43, which reads as follows:
I have the honour to inform you that my Government is prepared to host the meeting in question. My Government considers your letter and my reply as an agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which shall enter into force on the date of receipt of this reply and shall remain in force for the dura- tion of the meeting and for such additional period as is necessary for its winding up, the total duration of this agreement, however, not to exceed one year. Please accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.
Personnel. Le client assume la responsabilité entière et la direction de notre personnel mis à sa disposition qui est censé être à son service. Nous ne répondons pas d’infractions commises par ledit personnel. Nos clients ou leurs préposés maniant un de nos matériels, ou un matériel déposé en nos ateliers, même en présence d’un de nos préposés, sont responsables de tous dommages qu’ils pourraient causer. Les déplacements de notre personnel pour accompagner nos clients ou pour aller réparer leurs matériels sont comptés à l’heure plus leurs frais de voyage aller-retour et sont entièrement à charge des clients.
Personnel. Solutions behoudt het recht de door de uitvoering van de werkzaamheden toegenomen kennis voor andere doeleinden te gebruiken, voor zover hierbij geen vertrouwelijke informatie ter kennis van derden wordt gebracht. Art. 7.5.4 De opdrachtgever vrijwaart Personnel Solutions voor aanspraken van derden m.b.t. rechten van intellectuele eigendom op door de opdrachtgever verstrekte materialen of gegevens, die bij de uitvoering van de overeenkomst worden gebruikt.
Personnel. The Principal shall not hire any Employees involved in the execution of the Work, or hire any Employees to enter into the service of the Principal, either or not temporarily, directly or indirectly, for the benefit of the Principal, either or not on the basis of an employment contract, to carry out activities during the term of the Agreement or any extension thereof and during 24 months after that.
Personnel. The customer undertakes not to hire the personnel of Green Clean Group during the term of the agreement or during a period of three months following the termination of the agreement. Any breach of this agreed obligation constitutes unfair recruitment, leading to the payment of a sum of 2,500 euros per person as compensation for damages.
Personnel a) One secretary/conference clerk fluent in English to assist the IAEA Scientific Secretary; and
b) Staff needed to prepare, install and operate the technical facilities and equipment. The above personnel should be available from Monday, 9 September 2024 until Friday, 13 September 2024, inclusive. In addition to the above specific tasks, all servicing staff must be prepared to perform other duties in con- nection with the preparation and running of the event, and to provide assistance in compiling and distributing documents whenever necessary. PERMANENT MISSION OF THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS TO THE IAEA Reference: EVT2303841 Dear Ms Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Vienna, 17 April 2024
I have the honour to refer to your letter with reference EVT2303841 of April 9 2024 relating to an Agreement to be concluded between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of the European part of the Netherlands, and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) concerning the Technical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities, to be held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, from 9 to 13 Sep- tember 2024, which reads as follows:
I am authorized by the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to state that it agrees to the proposals formulated in your letter of April 9, 2024 regarding the organization of the event. Furthermore, I am author- ized to state that the Government of the Netherlands considers your letter and this reply as together consti- tuting an Agreement between the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in respect of the European part of xxx Xxxx- erlands, and the IAEA concerning the Technical Meeting on Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Non-Reactor Nuclear Facilities, which shall enter into force on the date of this reply and shall remain in force for the dura- tion of the event and for such additional period as is necessary for its preparation and winding up. The total duration of this Agreement, however, shall not exceed one year. Please accept, Madam, the assurances of my highest consideration.