Purchasing Content Voorbeeldclausules

Purchasing Content. Acquisition of Content is automatically disabled in the Service, and Your use is subject to the restrictions of this Agreement and the terms governing the use of Apps and Books in the Service (“Volume Content Terms”). You may choose to enable Your Administrators to access Content through the Service by granting them purchasing authority and allowing them to access Content. Subject to the Volume Content Terms and the restrictions of this Agreement, the Service enables You to allocate Content to Authorized Devices using device assignment or to Authorized Users or Permitted Users using user assignment and Apple IDs. You may assign (or revoke and re-assign) apps to Authorized Users and Authorized Devices in any country where such app is commercially available on the App Store or otherwise, subject to change at any time. With respect to books, You understand and agree that once You have assigned a book to an Authorized User or a Permitted User, such book is non-transferable, and You will not be able to revoke or re-assign the book. You are solely responsible for all such purchases and compliance with the applicable terms. You agree that You have the authority to and will accept such applicable terms on behalf of Your Authorized Users and Permitted Users if You (or Your Administrators) purchase or access Content as part of the Service. You understand and agree that Content may not be available in all countries or regions. You agree not to export Content for use outside of the country in which You are domiciled nor represent that You have the right or ability to do so. You agree not to circumvent the laws of any country or restrictions set forth by providers of the Content. You may create Administrator accounts for Your Administrators to use in administering the Service, subject to limits Apple may impose on the number of Administrator accounts. These Administrator accounts will be a combination of a unique user name and password, which will be owned by You. When You create Administrator accounts, all features and functionality of the Service that You select to be available will be enabled for such accounts, and You are responsible for appropriately enabling these Administrator accounts and for all activity in connection with these accounts (e.g., permitting Content purchases). You acknowledge and agree that these Administrator accounts may be used only to access and manage the Service for account management purposes. If You delete any Administrator accounts, the...
Purchasing Content. Acquisition of Content is automatically disabled in the Service, and Your use is subject to the requirements and terms for the use of Volume Content presented in the Service prior to the use of Apps and Books. You may choose to enable Your Administrators to access Content through the Service by granting them purchasing authority and allowing them to access Apple’s Volume Content terms to purchase Content for use and management as part of the Service. You are solely responsible for all such purchases and compliance with the applicable terms. If You purchase Content as part of the Service, You agree that You have the authority to and will accept such applicable terms on behalf of Your Authorized Users. To the extent that You receive a VPP token, You may use it to manage Content as part of the Service in accordance with the Documentation. You may create Administrator accounts for Your Administrators to use in administering the Service. These Administrator accounts will be a combination of a unique user name and password, which will be owned by You. When You create Administrator accounts, all features and functionality of the Service that You select to be available will be enabled for such accounts, and You are responsible for appropriately enabling these Administrator accounts and for all activity in connection with these accounts (e.g., permitting Content purchases). You acknowledge and agree that these Administrator accounts may be used only to access and manage the Service for account management purposes. If You delete any Administrator accounts, then neither You nor the Administrator will have access to such Administrator accounts, and You acknowledge and agree that this action may not be reversible, and that Apple shall not be liable to You for any discontinuation of Service (including data loss).

Related to Purchasing Content

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  • Looptijd en beëindiging 6.1 Deze verwerkersovereenkomst maakt onderdeel uit van de Overeenkomst en iedere daaruit voortkomende nieuwe of nadere overeenkomst, treedt in werking op het moment van totstandkoming van de Overeenkomst en wordt gesloten voor onbepaalde tijd.

  • Offertes en totstandkoming overeenkomst 1. De Overeenkomst komt tot stand door uitdrukkelijke aanvaarding van de aanbieding door Opdrachtgever. De aanbieding dient door Opdrachtgever via e-mail te worden aanvaard of de aanbieding dient ondertekend en schriftelijk te worden geretourneerd.

  • Overeenkomst, offerte en bevestiging 1.1 Deze algemene voorwaarden (hierna: Algemene Voorwaarden) zijn van toepassing op alle offertes en de totstandkoming, de inhoud en de nakoming van alle tussen de opdrachtgever en de opdrachtnemer (hierna: ontwerper) gesloten overeenkomsten. Afwijkingen op deze Algemene Voorwaarden kunnen slechts schriftelijk overeengekomen worden tussen opdrachtgever en ontwerper.

  • Wat zijn de gevolgen als u de informatie niet (op tijd) doorgeeft? Als we de informatie niet (op tijd) van u ontvangen, schorten we uw vergoeding op. Dat betekent dat u geen vergoeding ontvangt voor de verzekerde op wie de gevraagde informatie betrekking heeft. We hervatten de vergoeding met terugwerkende kracht zodra we de informatie hebben ontvangen, en we het recht op en de hoogte van de vergoeding hebben vastgesteld.

  • Hoe wordt uw premie vastgesteld? 7.2 Wanneer wordt uw premiepercentage vastgesteld?

  • Offerte, opdracht en totstandkoming Overeenkomst 3.1. De Gemeente kan een Offerteaanvraag intrekken of wijzigen voor zover dit mogelijk is binnen de geldende Nederlandse en Europese jurisprudentie en wet- en regelgeving. De Gemeente zal geen kosten of schade vergoeden die hiermee samenhangen, tenzij schriftelijk anders is overeengekomen.

  • Offerte, aanbod en aanvaarding A.1.1 Een offerte, opgesteld door Opdrachtnemer, is vrijblijvend en geldig tot 14 dagen na datering door Opdrachtnemer, tenzij anders aangegeven in de offerte.

  • Offertes en overeenkomsten 1. Offertes en prijzen zijn vrijblijvend en hebben een geldigheidsduur van 30 dagen, tenzij schriftelijk anders is aangegeven. Offertes en prijzen zijn gebaseerd op de door de opdrachtgever geuite wensen. De offerte omvat een omschrijving van de te verrichten diensten.

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