Definitions Voorbeeldclausules

Definitions. For the purposes of this Agreement, unless otherwise defined:
Definitions. For the purposes of this Convention, unless the context otherwise requires:
Definitions. In these general terms and conditions, the following terms are defined as stated below:
Definitions. For the purpose of this Agreement and its Annex, unless the context otherwise requires:
Definitions. 2.1. Platform Internet platform accessible via the website and (if applicable) Service Provider’s website, used by the Service Provider for the purpose of registering End-Users (i.e., creating their End-User Accounts) and providing Service Provider's Services. Roles: 2.2. Consumer A natural person using the Services not connected with his/her business activity.
Definitions. For use in the present STC, the Application for a Term Deposit, the Contract and all appendices thereto, the terms listed below shall have the following meanings: Application: an application (form) for closing a Contract, which is a form, filled in and signed by the Client, submitted through the Savedo Internet Platform. After approval by Privatbanka the Application becomes the Contract; Capitalization of Interest: the accrued interest is not paid out to the Client but added back to the Term Deposit funds, resulting in interest on interest effect; Statement: a document issued by Privatbanka to the Client which reflects the payment transactions and indicates the opening and closing balances of the Term Deposit as at the date of the Statement’s issuance;
Definitions. For the purposes of this Protocol:
Definitions. Client: The natural person purchasing maternity care from Geboortezorgplus Nederland, Geboortezorgplus Franchise and Kraamzorg NOP/ Lemsterland (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Kraamzorg NOP/ Lemsterland”). Maternity care provider: (legal) person providing maternity care, financed on grounds of healthcare legislation ‘Zorgverzekeringswet’ (Zvw), whether or not in combination with privately financed maternity care and/or additional services. Mentioned here below: Kraamzorg Poppie.
Definitions. For the purpose of this agreement the meaning of the terms used therein are as follows:
Definitions. In this Agreement: a. ‘‘Liaison officer’’ means: any official stationed at Europol in ac- cordance with Article 14 of the Agreement; b. ‘‘Government’’ means the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; c. ‘‘Host State authorities’’ means such State, municipal or other authorities of the Kingdom of the Netherlands as may be appropriate in the context of and in accordance with the laws and customs applicable in the Kingdom of the Netherlands; d. ‘‘Sending State’’ means the Republic of Iceland; e. ‘‘Archives of the liaison officer’’ means all records, correspon- dence, documents, manuscripts, computer and media data, photographs, films, video and sound recordings belonging to or held by the liaison officer, and any other similar material which in the unanimous opinion of the Sending State and the Government forms part of the archives of the liaison officer.