Statistical analysis of the compliance database Voorbeeldclausules

Statistical analysis of the compliance database. The compliance check of the complete registrations was performed for the parameters described in paragraph 2.3.1. The derived dataset is then used for the statistical analysis. The statistical analysis is performed for relevant parameters of the different categories including: the type of shape of the material, the aggregates shape, the determination method of the size and shape of the material, the determination method of the agglomerates size, the determination method of the aggregates size and shape and the determination method of impurities mean specific surface area of the material. Additionally to the statistics, the determination methods are evaluated in 2.3.4. Figure 11 shows the percentage of the different types of shapes of the registered materials. Among the different choices given to the applicants (sphere, sticks, capsule, flakes, etc.), the option “other” was the most selected (62%), similarly to the trade year 2017 (“other” was selected by 55% of the applicants). This creates confusion because the applicants had the choice to add new shapes, as shown in Figure
Statistical analysis of the compliance database. The compliance check of the complete registrations was performed for the parameters described in paragraph 2.3.1. The derived dataset is then used for the statistical analysis. The statistical analysis is performed for relevant parameters of the different categories including: the type of shape of the material, the aggregates shape, the type of coating of the material, the determination method of the size and shape of the material, the determination method of the agglomerates size, the determination method of the aggregates size and shape and the determination method of impurities mean specific surface area of the material. Additionally to the statistics, the determination methods are evaluated in 2.3.4. Figure 11 shows the percentage of the different types of shapes of the registered materials. Among the different choices given to the applicants (sphere, sticks, capsule, flakes, etc.), the option “other” was the most selected (55%). This creates confusion because the applicants had the choice to add new shapes, as shown in Figure 12. Most of these shapes can be attributed to one of the types presented in Figure

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