Final Provisions 1 Przykładowe klauzule

Final Provisions 1. Any amendments to the Agreement shall be made in writing, otherwise being null and void. 2. Any matters which have not been regulated in the Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the Competition Documentation, the provisions of the Civil Code and other national and, to the extent applicable, community laws of general application. 3. Any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with the Agreement shall be settled by the Parties amicably and, where an agreement may not be reached, by a common court having jurisdiction over the registered seat of the Foundation. 4. During the Stipend period, the Stipendee shall notify the Foundation on an ongoing basis of any changes to his/her personal data, address, bank account number or any other changes which could have an effect on Stipend payment. The Stipendee’s written representations concerning changes to his/her personal data, address and bank account number shall not constitute an amendment to the Agreement. 5. The Stipendee shall bear any negative consequences of a failure to notify the Foundation of the circumstances referred to in Section 13.4. In particular, should a payment be made by the Foundation to a wrong bank account as a result of the Stipendee’s failure to fulfil the obligation referred to in Section 13.4, any costs related to a subsequent transfer and any consequences of seeking the repayment of funds that constitute unjust enrichment of a third party, including the consequences of their loss, shall be borne by the Stipendee. The Stipendee shall assume joint and several liability with the unjustly enriched party and at the request of the Foundation, he/she
Final Provisions 1. All changes and amendments are to be made in writing or otherwise are null and void. 2. All the issues not regulated by this Contract are governed by the provisions of the Polish Civil Code and the Copyright and Related Rights Act (Dz. U. z 2000 r. Nr 80, poz. 904). 3. All disputes resulting from this Contract shall be adjudicated in the courts within whose jurisdiction the Theatre’s premises are located. 4. This Contract has been drawn up in two counterparts, both in English and in Polish, with one copy for each of the Parties. 5. In case of different interpretations of the language versions arising from translation into the English language, the Polish language version shall be binding. The Theatre The Ordering Party
Final Provisions 1. The annexes constituting an integral part of the Contract Agreement are as follows: Annexe No. 1 Program Guidelines; Annexe No. 2 Tender; Annexe No. 3 Detailed Scope of the Detailed Design 2) This Contract Agreement is executed in two counterparts, one for each Party. Designer Contracting Authority
Final Provisions 1. Any amendments to the Agreement shall be made in writing, otherwise being null and void. 2. Any matters which have not been regulated in the Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the Competition Documentation, the provisions of the Civil Code and other national and, to the extent applicable, community laws of general application. 3. Any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with the Agreement shall be
Final Provisions 1. The organizational unit of the UW responsible for coordinating the supervision of the implementation of the Agreement is the Department of Psychology. 2. The person authorized by the Contracting Authority to represent it in all activities related to the implementation of the Agreement is Xxxx Xxxx or another person authorized in writing, acting in the Agreement as the Study Manager. This person is also responsible for day-to-day contacts with the Contractor. 3 Addresses to which correspondence related to the execution of the Agreement should be addressed:
Final Provisions 1. These General Terms and Conditions of Purchase are an integral part of the Contract concluded between the Supplier and Ordering Party. In the event of conflict or inconsistency, the content of the Order is decisive. 2. In matters not regulated herein the relevant provisions of the Civil Code shall apply. 3. The application of the provisions of the Vienna Convention of 11 April 1980 on the international sale of goods shall be excluded. 4. Without prior written consent of the Ordering Party the Supplier shall not be entitled to transfer to another person rights under the Contract, or encumber rights and obligations arising from the realization of the Contract. 5. Kamet is entitled to transfer rights and obligations arising from guarantee and statutory warranty provided by the Supplier onto third party. 6. The Supplier is obliged to give prompt written notice to Xxxxx concerning any change of registered office and correspondence address. No notice means that deliveries made to the addresses indicated in the Order or in the signed Contract are considered to be effective. 7. Any offers, Orders, Contracts, and these GTCP are subject to the law of the country with jurisdiction over the registered office of Kamet (Polish law). 8. Any dispute between Xxxxx and the Supplier under the Contract shall be
Final Provisions 1. Any amendments to the Agreement shall be made in writing, otherwise being null and void. 2. Any matters which have not been regulated in the Agreement shall be governed by the provisions of the Competition Documentation, the provisions of the Civil Code and other national and, to the extent applicable, community laws of general application. 3. Any disputes which may arise out of or in connection with the Agreement shall be settled by the Parties amicably and, where an agreement may not be reached, by a common court having jurisdiction over the registered seat of the Foundation. 4. During the Stipend period, the Stipendee shall notify the Foundation on an ongoing basis of any changes to his/her personal data, address, bank account number or any other changes which could have an effect on Stipend payment. The Stipendee’s written representations concerning changes to his/her personal data, address and bank account number shall not constitute an amendment to the Agreement. 5. The Stipendee shall bear any negative consequences of a failure to notify the Foundation of the circumstances referred to in Section 13.4. In particular, should a payment be made by the Foundation to a wrong bank account as a result of the Stipendee’s failure to fulfil the obligation
Final Provisions 1. The Parties agree that apart from the cases provided for in the provisions of law and these GTMP the termination or withdrawal from a given Agreement concluded on the basis of a specified Order by the Client may only take place by mutual agreement of the Parties. In the event that the Client declares that he is not interested in continuing to process the Order, including on the terms agreed by the Parties, CHC has the right, at its sole discretion, to realise the Order and request remuneration in accordance with the Order Confirmation or to withdraw from the Agreement concluded on the basis of the said Order Confirmation and, in this case, the right to request the Client to pay a contractual penalty of 30 % of the CHC's agreed remuneration for the realisation of the Order. In case the value of the damage exceeds the amount of the contractual penalty, CHC has the right to demand supplementary compensation, including in particular: lost profits and the value of purchased materials/raw materials dedicated to a given Order. 2. These GTMP, the Framework Agreement and Agreements concluded taking into account the GTMP are subject to Polish law and should be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of Polish law. 3. The Client is not entitled to transfer all or part of the rights or obligations under the Agreement to any third party without the prior consent of CHC expressed in writing. 4. CHC has the right to amend the GTMP with seven days 'notice, as well as the right to terminate the Framework Agreement with seven days' notice. A statement in this regard may be made via e-mail address of the Client. 5. In case of any disputes or claims arising in connection with the GTMP, the Framework Agreement or performance of the Agreement or interpretation of its provisions, the Parties will make every effort to
Final Provisions 1. The Supplier reserves the right to make changes to the goods, which shall not deteriorate their technical qualities. 2. The information contained in brochures, catalogues and on the web site, must not be regarded as a commercial offer, unless specified by the Supplier as binding. 3. Any additional arrangements, commitments or agreements shall be made in writing, or otherwise, shall be void. 4. The court competent to settle any disputes arising from the implementation of the agreement concluded between the Supplier and the Recipient is the court competent for the main facility of the Supplier. With respect to settlement of disputes arising under the contract the Polish law shall apply. 5. In case of any discrepancies in the contracts executed in bilingual version, the Polish language version shall be binding.
Final Provisions 1. Any issues not provided for herein shall be governed by the provisions of the common Polish law, in particular the Polish Civil Code and the Telecommunications Law of 16th July 2004 (Dz. U. of 2004 No. 171, item 1800). 2. The Agreement shall enter into force on the day of its signing. If the signatures of the Parties are affixed at different dates, the date of entering into force of the Agreement shall be considered the date of affixing the last signature. 3. In the event of any discrepancies between the provisions of the Regulations and the Agreement the Parties shall consider the provisions of the Agreement prevailing. 4. Any dispute arising in connection with the conclusion or execution of the Agreement can be directed to the settlement by a common court of law. 5. In case of any discrepancies between the Polish and the English version of the Regulations, the Polish version prevails. These Regulations constitute an integral part of the Agreement and have been drawn up in two equal copies, one for each Party. 1. I represent that I have read the contents of the Regulations of the Telecommunications Service Provision and accept the terms and conditions of the same. 2. I represent that I consent to have my mailing address, e-mail address and contact telephone number, as well as any other data provided by me in the term of the Agreement processed to execute the subject of the Agreement. 3. I represent that I consent to have my personal data processed for marketing purposes connected with the services and products of the entities cooperating with the Operator.