Price and payment Przykładowe klauzule

Price and payment. 6.1. The prices that result from the current Price List valid at the time of conclusion of the service or delivery on a given day shall be regarded as valid. Payments should be made in the currency specified on the invoice issued by ACG.
Price and payment a) The Price is fixed except only where the price has changed due to a change in the applicable VAT rate and a change in any other tax imposed on the supply. Unless otherwise agreed in the Purchase Order, the Price is inclusive of all other costs, including without limitation, duties, fees or taxes, cost of carriage, packaging, containers, insurance and delivery.
Price and payment. 9.1 The price for the Products shall be determined in the Agreement. If there is no such price determined, the pri- ce in the confirmation of the Order shall be applicable.
Price and payment. The product sale prices are those that appear on the Site when the Customer places its order. The prices are shown in Polish Zloty (PLN) with all taxes and delivery shipping costs separately itemised and included in the total cost. Payment is limited to the following payment methods: Visa, MasterCard and Wire Transfer. Prior to approval of its order, the Customer must check the order summary, and its delivery contact information. Payment is made exclusively online and constitutes the final approval of the order. The contract will be concluded as soon as Nu Skin confirms by email that the products ordered have been despatched and when Nu Skin has received the wire transfer or transaction approval from the credit card issuer or debit from the Customer. Nu Skin reserves the right to suspend or refuse any order if the payment authorisation is rejected by financial institutions, and/or if an order is issued by a Customer who has not paid for a previous order in full or partially. The products are deliverable to a delivery address and billable only in Poland. The delivery is made and risk are transferred to the Customer by the physical delivery of the product to the Customer, or to any third party designated by the Customer, other than the transporter proposed by Nu Skin. Products are delivered to the delivery address indicated during the ordering process, no later than thirty (30) days after the contract is made.

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