Retention of Title Przykładowe klauzule

Retention of Title. Legal title to all delivered Goods remains with Mondi until the Customer has paid the purchase price owed to Mondi in connection with the respective Contract. The Customer is obliged to appropriately insure the Goods still owned by Mondi against all common risks, particularly against fire, burglary or damage caused by water at its own expense, to treat them cautiously and store them properly. The Customer shall at all times store the Goods in such a manner as shall facilitate identification of them both generally and by reference to invoices in respect thereof. The Customer shall be entitled to sell the Goods in the usual course of business. Any possible receivables resulting from such sale shall herewith be assigned to Mondi in advance, up to the purchase price owed to Mondi, and the Customer shall undertake all necessary publicity requirements for enforceability of such assignment, such as registration in the book accounts and by notifying the purchaser of the assignment and retention of title. If the Customer sells any goods co-owned by Mondi, the assignment shall apply to the amounts received to the same extent as this co-ownership. Mondi shall be entitled to collect the assigned sum. otrzymanych kwot w takim samym zakresie, jak kwestii współwłasności. Mondi przysługuje prawo do pobrania scedowanej kwoty. Wszelkie przetwarzanie Towarów przez Klienta odbywa się w imieniu Mondi bez nakładania na Mondi obowiązków. W przypadku przetwarzania Towaru z innymi towarami nienależącymi do Mondi, Mondi nabywa prawo współwłasności nowo wyprodukowanych towarów proporcjonalnie do wartości dostarczonego Towaru w momencie przetwarzania. Any processing of the Goods by the Customer takes place on behalf of Mondi without imposing obligations on Mondi. If the Goods are processed with other goods not owned by Mondi, Mondi acquires a co-ownership on the newly produced goods pro rata the value of the delivered Goods at the time of the processing. Klient ponosi całkowitą odpowiedzialność za uzyskanie praw własności intelektualnej lub praw do korzystania z nich, w tym wszelkich niezbędnych pozwoleń osób trzecich, będących przedmiotem Umowy, w tym x.xx. zamówionego wzoru towaru, znaków towarowych i praw autorskich oraz praw dodatkowych do korzystania z wszelkich druków i prawa własności lub prawa do korzystania z wszelkich używanych patentów. Zgodnie z powyższym, Klient zwolni Mondi z odpowiedzialności z tytułu wszelkich roszczeń, kosztów, szkód i wydatków (w tym kosztów obsługi...
Retention of Title. 1. The Supplier shall retain title to delivery (goods to which title is retained) until all claims to payment for the delivery have been fully satisied. The retention of title shall also apply to replacement or exchange parts unless they become major components as a result of installation.
Retention of Title. 1. All Goods delivered to the Contracting Party shall remain the property of BETA-POINT until the Contracting Party pays the entire price indicated on the VAT invoice. This condition shall not entitle the Contracting Party to a refund, refusal or delay in payment.
Retention of Title. 4.1 BARTEC shall remain the owner of all Supplies delivered under a Contract, and, if applicable, of all Spare Parts provided by it, until any and all claims of BARTEC under a Contract are satisfied.
Retention of Title. The goods shall remain our property until full payment.
Retention of Title. 1. If, by way of exception, a retention of title is agreed between BARTEC and the Supplier, this shall have the effect of an “ordinary” retention of title (einfacher Eigentumsvorbehalt). Unless otherwise agreed, the Supplier's retention of title shall only apply if this relates to BARTEC's payment obligations for the respective products, to which the Supplier retains title. In particular, “currentaccount” retention of title (erweiterter Eigentumsvorbehalt) or “extended” retention of title (verlängerter Eigentumsvorbehalt) shall not be admissible.
Retention of Title. 1. KRONOSPAN retains ownership title to the sold goods until full settlement of the price by the Purchaser. 2. The delivered goods may be subject to processing, combination or amalgamation only on condition that title to the goods is retained according to sub-par. 1 above and that security provided in favour of KRONOSPAN is maintained. 3. The Purchaser shall be entitled to sell KRONOSPAN goods in the ordinary course of business. Purchaser's claims in respect of the sale and other claims in lieu of the goods are immediately assigned for the full amount to KRONOSPAN as security along with all incidental rights, whether the KRONOSPAN goods are supplied with or without processing, transformation, installation or combination and whether or not the KRONOSPAN goods are processed, transformed, installed or combined with goods from other suppliers. If another supplier lawfully retained ownership title to goods
Retention of Title. 5.1 Until all the financial liabilities are not completed by the buyer the goods will remain the ownership of the seller. In the event of pledge, seizure or any other breach of the ownership rights, the buyer is obliged to undertake activities aimed at protecting the seller's right and to immediate inform about possible treats.
Retention of Title. 7.1 Until the full purchase price of the delivered goods has been paid, the Vendor shall remain owner of the sold goods. The Vendor furthermore shall remain owner of the sold goods until the Buyer has paid all out- standing debts in full, even if they result from other de- liveries of the Vendor to the Buyer. The goods for which the ownership has not yet passed to the Buyer according to the stipulations above are in the following referred to as the “Reserved Goods”.