Term and Termination Przykładowe klauzule

Term and Termination. Contracts concluded under GTC-P are of unlimited duration and both parties are entitled to terminate the contract any time with 3 days’ notice. In particular, FREE NOW reserves the right to terminate the contract without notice if the User severely violates contractual or legal obligations. For the sake of clarity, the termination of the intermediary contract terminates the use of Pay by App and any other service associated with the App at the same time.
Term and Termination. 1. This Agreement has been concluded for the duration of the study, defined in the course of study and curriculum in the field/specialisation of study set out in § 2 hereof, i.e. for the period of ..…. semesters, from ... to ..........
Term and Termination. This Agreement is effective upon your acceptance of the Agreement, or upon your downloading, accessing, and using the Software, even if you have not expressly accepted this Agreement. This Agreement shall continue in effect until terminated. Without prejudice to any other rights, this Agreement will terminate automatically if you fail to comply with any of the limitations or other requirements described herein. If you are leasing the Software, and fail to pay the applicable license fees, Parallels shall have the right to shut down your server. You may terminate this License Agreement at any time by: (i) providing written notice of your decision to terminate the Agreement to Parallels and (ii) either returning the Software, Documentation, all copies thereof, and all license keys that you have obtained to Parallels or destroying all such materials and providing written verification of such destruction to Parallels. Parallels may terminate this License Agreement if you breach any term of the Agreement by giving you written notice of your breach and Parallels' decision to terminate the Agreement. Upon termination of the Agreement by Parallels, you agree to either return to Parallels the Software, Documentation, all copies thereof, and all license keys that you have obtained, or to destroy all such materials and provide written verification of such destruction to Parallels.
Term and Termination. (a) Customer may terminate this Agreement for convenience at any time subject to a 30-days’ notice period to the end of the calendar month. EN_Transporeon_Platform_User_Agreement_GTC_2.0
Term and Termination. 7.1. Term. The term of this Contract (the "Term") shall commence on the date of entry into force and shall end upon expiry of the Customer's license (6 months or 12 months) for the Web Service, unless premature termination has taken place. The term of the Customer's license for the Web Service shall end i) upon expiry of the last expiring Field Connect Service Subscription for a terminal belonging to the Customer's account, or ii) upon expiry of the term of Customer's customer account license for the Web Service, if such a license has been offered by Xxxx Xxxxx - ISG, whichever date is later. The term of a Field Connect Service Subscription for a terminal belonging to the Customer's customer account corresponds to the terms made available to the Customer at the time of concluding the terminal subscription for the Field Connect Service with Xxxx Xxxxx - ISG. In the event of the sale of a terminal prior to the end of its associated subscription, the corresponding terminal subscription for the Field Connect Service shall apply. If the Customer does not fundamentally fulfil the obligations contained in this Contract, this shall constitute grounds for termination. All additional claims for compensation are based on the statutory provisions.

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  • MIEJSCE I TERMIN SKŁADANIA ORAZ OTWARCIA OFERT Ofertę należy złożyć w siedzibie Zamawiającego Sekcja Finansowa Wydziału Chemii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego – 00-000 Xxxxxxx, xx .X. Xxxxxx-Xxxxx 14 pokój nr 10 Decydujące znaczenie dla oceny zachowania terminu składania ofert ma data i godzina wpływu oferty do Zamawiającego, a nie data jej wysłania przesyłką pocztową czy kurierską. Otwarcie ofert nastąpi w siedzibie Zamawiającego, na Wydziale Chemii U.Wr przy ul.X.Xxxxxx- Xxxxx 14 we Wrocławiu –xxx. xx 0, X xxxxxx w dniu 2 lutego 2018r. o godz. 12.00. Otwarcie ofert jest jawne. Podczas otwarcia ofert Xxxxxxxxxxx odczyta informacje, o których mowa w art. 86 ust. 4 ustawy PZP. Niezwłocznie po otwarciu ofert zamawiający zamieści na stronie xxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx.xx/ informacje dotyczące: kwoty, jaką zamierza przeznaczyć na sfinansowanie zamówienia; firm oraz adresów wykonawców, którzy złożyli oferty w postępowaniu; ceny, terminu wykonania zamówienia, okresu gwarancji i warunków płatności zawartych w ofertach.

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