Service Conformity Certificate Sample Contracts

Nº 35.002/19
Service Conformity Certificate • November 4th, 2019

This certificate is subject to the continuous fulfillment of the requirements of the General Procedure for Conformity Assessment, and to the Specific Procedure of the ABNT Conformity Mark, as well as to the Governmental Decree referred above and will be valid only in its original form, with the ABNT stamp in dry high-relief, duly signed by the Product Certification Manager, and its validity may be confirmed at the following eletronic address: This certificate is related to the contract nr 35.CP.005/2018 and for the location above indicate.

Nº 271.010/20
Service Conformity Certificate • September 21st, 2020

ABNT NBR ISO 4628-3:2015 / ABNT NBR 8094:1983 / ABNT NBR 8095:2015 ABNT NBR 8096:1983 / ABNT NBR 9209:1986 / ABNT NBR 10443:2008 ABNT NBR 10545:2014 / ABNT NBR 11003:2010 / ABNT NBR 14847:2002 ABNT NBR 14951:2003 / ABNT NBR 15156:2015 / ABNT NBR 15158:2016 ABNT NBR 15185:2004 / ASTM D 523:2014 / ASTM D 2794:2010

Nº 35.001/19
Service Conformity Certificate • July 18th, 2019

Serviço de Inspeção de Recipientes Transportáveis para Gás Liquefeito de Petróleo (GLP) realizado por Empresas Distribuidoras de GLP