Purpose Exemple de Clauze

Purpose. To provide a framework for cooperation, to establish specific working arrangements between the parties as well as to clarify roles and responsibilities. Declaration of interest for effective mutually beneficial cooperation in the interest and development of public service Solid Waste Management (SWM) based on the principles of common interest, reciprocity, complementarity, trust and confidentiality.
Purpose. The purpose of this partnership agreement is to provide a cooperation framework between the parties mentioned above in order to work together for the establishment and operation at the locality level of the Integrated Community Center, part of the body of the community medical assistance programs coordinated by the Ministry of Health, with the main purpose of increase access to quality medical and medico-social services for the population and, in particular, for children from vulnerable environments.
Purpose. The IMS scheme is an international and multilateral cooperation scheme in which Participants work cooperatively to boost industrial competitiveness, solve problems facing manufacturing worldwide, and develop advanced manufacturing technologies and systems to benefit humanity. Its purposes are to: — enhance knowledge-based manufacturing in industry to improve the quality of life and citizens and improve the global environment, — share manufacturing knowledge and to transfer it to future generations, — increase the participation of SMEs in international collaborative activities, — adapt educational and training activities to support the knowledge-based manufacturing industries, and — contribute to establishing common, global norms and standards.
Purpose. The purpose of this Agreement concerns safety upgrades at NARNRA to be carried out jointly by the Parties hereto with the involvement, wherever necessary, of Moldovan, Swedish or other western participants. All services and equipment provided to NARNRA under this Agreement shall be provided as technical assistance. The technical assistance under this Agreement shall be provided based on the mutual consent of the Parties hereto and within the limits of the budgetary appropriations of the Government of Sweden. Co-financing of specific projects shall be discussed and agreed upon between the Parties during the planning and start-up phase of the projects. Decisions on financial split shall be agreed upon before signing of relevant contracts and specified in respective Project Financing Agreements (PFA) between the Parties. In the framework of the bilateral agreement, SSM shall finance projects according to the respective PFA follows to the Project Identification Sheets (PIS) elaborated and approved flexible and attached parts to this Agreement. The services and equipment comprised within the frames of this Agreement is a part of technical assistance enhancing the nuclear and ecological safety at NARNRA and Moldova and it shall be exempted from all taxes and duties stated in the Republic of Moldova on the basis of an application submitted by NARNRA to the Government of the Republic of Moldova for its approval according to the internal Moldovan procedures. For procurement of services and equipment under this agreement the SSM procurement policy shall apply. Aiming at the implementation of the agreed activities the Parties have agreed on the following forms of co-operation: - Joint studies and research to be conducted both in Moldova and Sweden. This form of co-operation shall provide for the use of equipment and materials owned by the Moldovan or Swedish party, including those to be imported to and exported from the customs territories of Sweden or Moldova, respectively, on a temporary basis. - Joint meetings and seminars on training and technology transfer to be held both in Moldova, Sweden and other countries. - Supply of services and equipment in the quantities and assortment as agreed in the yearly plans to be finalised on a mutual basis. The Parties shall agree annually on the details of activities, lists and scope of supplies based upon the funds allocated by the Government of Sweden for the upcoming year. The agreed annual plans (PIS) shall be executed as ...

Related to Purpose

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  • PROTECTIA DATELOR CU CARACTER PERSONAL (1) Acest contract este unul de tip achizitie produse și nu presupune prelucrarea de date cu caracter personal în numele Achizitorului (CONPET).

  • Introducere Acești Termeni și condiții se aplică acestui site web și tranzacțiilor legate de produsele și serviciile noastre. Este posibil să ai în continuare obligații ce decurg din contracte suplimentare legate de relația ta cu noi sau de orice produse sau servicii pe care le primești de la noi. În cazul în care orice prevederi ale unor contracte suplimentare intră în conflict cu prevederile acestor Termeni, prevederile acestor contracte suplimentare vor prevala.

  • Informații generale 1.1 Achizitor Denumirea: Universitatea Tehnică ”Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx” din Iași Facultatea de Ştiinţa şi Ingineria Materialelor Adresa: Bd-ul. Prof.xx. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx nr.41 Responsabil achiziție: xxx. Xxxxxx Xxxxx Telefon: 0232/702288 Email: xxxxxx@xxxxxx.xx

  • PROTECȚIA DATELOR CU CARACTER PERSONAL 5.1. Părțile au cunostință de dispozițiile Regulamentului GDPR și se obligă să le respecte întocmai.