Clauses by inclusion Примери клазула

Clauses by inclusion. If the Borrower concludes with any other financial creditor a financing agreement that includes a loss-of-rating clause or a covenant or other provision regarding its financial ratios, if applicable, that is not provided for in this Contract or is more favourable to the relevant financial creditor than any equivalent provision of this Contract is to the Bank, the Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank and shall provide a copy of the more favourable provision to the Bank. The Bank may request that the Borrower promptly executes an agreement to amend this Contract so as to provide for an equivalent provision in favour of the Bank. The Borrower shall, and shall ensure that the Promoter will: (a) deliver to the Bank: (i) the information in content and in form, and at the times, specified in Schedule A.2 or otherwise as agreed from time to time by the parties to this Contract; and (ii) any such information or further document concerning the financing, procurement, implementation, operation and environmental matters of or for the Project as the Bank may reasonably require within a reasonable time; provided always that if such information or document is not delivered to the Bank on time, and the Borrower does not rectify the omission within a reasonable time set by the Bank in writing, the Bank may remedy the deficiency, to the extent feasible, by employing its own staff or a consultant or any other third party, at the Borrower’s expense and the Borrower shall provide such persons with all assistance necessary for the purpose; (b) submit for the approval of the Bank without delay any material change to the Project, also taking into account the disclosures made to the Bank in connection with the Project prior to the signing of this Contract, in respect of, inter alia, the price, design, plans, timetable or to the expenditure programme or financing plan for the Project; (c) promptly inform the Bank of: (i) any action or protest initiated or any objection raised by any third party or any genuine complaint received by the Borrower or any Environmental Claim that is to its knowledge commenced, pending or threatened against it with regard to environmental or other matters affecting the Project; and (ii) any fact or event known to the Borrower or the Promoter, which may substantially prejudice or affect the conditions of execution or operation of the Project; (iii) a genuine allegation, complaint or information with regard to Criminal Offences related to the Project; a...
Clauses by inclusion. If the Borrower concludes with any other medium or long term financial creditor a financing agreement that includes a loss-of-rating clause or a covenant or other provision regarding its financial ratios or, if applicable, that is stricter than any equivalent provision of this Contract, the Borrower shall so inform the Bank and shall, at the request of the Bank, execute an agreement to amend this Contract so as to provide for an equivalent provision in favour of the Bank. The Agent shall: (a) annually provide the Bank and the Borrower with information on the total amount outstanding under the Onlending Agreements or a breakdown thereof; (b) inform the Bank and the Borrower of the use made by it of the amounts received from Final Beneficiaries by way of voluntary or compulsory early repayment of loans made under Onlending Agreements and of the use made by it of such amounts, pursuant to Article 6.02; (c) without undue delay inform the Bank and the Borrower of any notice of termination of any Intermediary Agreement served by the Agent to any Intermediary or of any Onlending Agreement served by an Intermediary to any Final Beneficiary; (d) generally inform the Bank and the Borrower of any fact or event known to it which, according to the Agent’s reasonable opinion, might materially prejudice or affect the conditions of execution or operation of any SME and Priority Project or the general condition of any Final Beneficiary; (e) deliver to the Bank all documents and information that may be reasonably requested by the Bank concerning the financing, implementation and operation of each SME and Priority Project and the activities and financial condition of each Final Beneficiary; and (f) deliver to the Bank, upon its request, a copy of any Intermediary Agreement or Onlending Agreement and of any addendum or amendment thereto, together with English translations thereof.
Clauses by inclusion. If the Borrower concludes with any other financial creditor a financing agreement that includes a loss-of-rating clause or a covenant or other provision regarding its financial ratios, if applicable, that is not provided for in this Contract or is more favourable to the relevant financial creditor than any equivalent provision of this Contract is to the Bank, the Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank and shall provide a copy of the more favourable provision to the Bank. The Bank may request that the Borrower promptly executes an agreement to amend this Contract so as to provide for an equivalent provision in favour of the Bank. 8.1 Information concerning the Project (a) deliver to the Bank: (i) the information in content and in form, and at the times, specified in

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