Applicable law and forum exempelklausuler

Applicable law and forum. These terms and conditions and all legal matters related to the warrants shall be determined and interpreted in accordance with Swedish law. Legal proceedings relating to these terms and conditions of the warrants shall be brought before the Stockholm District Court or such other forum as is accepted in writing by the Company. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR WARRANTS 2024/2028:1B REGARDING SUBSCRIPTION FOR NEW SHARES IN OSSDSIGN AB
Applicable law and forum. 12.1 These terms and conditions and all legal matters related to the warrants shall be determined and interpreted in accordance with Swedish law. Legal proceedings relating to these terms and conditions of the warrants shall be brought before the Stockholm District Court or such other forum as is accepted in writing by the Company. 12.2 The warrants shall be interpreted to the greatest extent possible in a manner to cause the warrants to be exempt from Section 409A and, to the extent not so exempt, that brings the warrants into compliance with Section 409A. The warrants shall be interpreted to the greatest extent possible in a manner to cause the warrants to be exempt from registration pursuant to Rule 701 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and similar state laws (as applicable). The Company shall have no liability to a warrant holder or any other party if a warrant that is intended to be exempt from, or compliant with, the abovementioned is not so exempt or compliant. Vissa större aktieägare i OssDsign AB föreslår att den extra bolagsstämman fattar beslut om införandet av ett långsiktigt incitamentsprogram för styrelseledamöter i bolaget (Teckningsoptionsprogram 2024/2028:2) innefattande (A) riktad emission av högst 1 074 248 teckningsoptioner av serie 2024/2028:2 (varav högst 732 442 teckningsoptioner av serie 2024/2028:2A och högst 341 806 teckningsoptioner av serie 2024/2028:2B) till bolaget och/eller dess dotterbolag (bolaget eller dotterbolag, såsom tillämpligt, ”LTIP-bolaget” och den koncern där bolaget utgör moderbolag, ”Koncernen”) enligt punkt A nedan och (B) godkännande av överlåtelse av emitterade teckningsoptioner från LTIP-bolaget till vissa styrelseledamöter enligt punkt B nedan.