Licensavtalsenlig rätt exempelklausuler

Licensavtalsenlig rätt. ["ANVISNING": Den här punkten tilläm- pas, om Emittenten som Underliggande tillgång eller som komponent för Lånet enligt ett separat avtal använder ett index som beräknas av en utomstående utgi- vare (t.ex. Stoxx Limited, Markit Indicies Limited).] [OP Företagsbanken Abp har på basis av ett licensavtal rätt att an- vända indexet [●] i samband med emissionen av det här obligat- ionslånet. Enligt licensavtalet är OP Företagsbanken Abp skyldig att införliva följande text i de här Lånespecifika villkoren: [●]] [Tillämpas inte]
Licensavtalsenlig rätt. OP Företagsbanken Abp har rätt att använda indexet STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR i samband med emissionen av det här obligationslånet. OP Företagsbanken Abp är skyldig att införliva följande text i de här Lånespecifika villkoren: STOXX and its licensors (the “Licensors”) have no relationship to 'OP Företags- banken Abp', other than the licensing of the STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR® and the related trademarks for use in connection with OP Placering- sPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021. STOXX and its Licensors do not: » Sponsor, endorse, sell or promote OP PlaceringsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021. » Recommend that any person invest in OP PlaceringsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021or any other securities. » Have any responsibility or liability for or make any decisions about the timing, amount or pricing of OP SijoitusPlus Euroopan Perusteollisuus XIII/2021. » Have any responsibility or liability for the administration, management or mar- keting of OP PlaceringsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021. » Consider the needs of OP PlaceringsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021 or the owners of OP PlaceringsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021 in determining, com- posing or calculating the STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR® or have any obligation to do so. STOXX and its Licensors will not have any liability in connection with OP Placer- ingsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021. Specifically, » STOXX and its Licensors do not make any warranty, express or implied and dis- claim any and all warranty about: » The results to be obtained by OP PlaceringsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021, the owner of OP PlaceringsPlus Europas Basindustri XIII/2021 or any other person in connection with the use of the STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR® and the data included in the STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR®; » The accuracy or completeness of the STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR® and its data; » The merchantability and the fitness for a particular purpose or use of the STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR® and its data; » STOXX and its Licensors will have no liability for any errors, omissions or inter- ruptions in the STOXX Europe 600 Basic Resources Price EUR® or its data; » Under no circumstances will STOXX or its Licensors be liable for any lost profits or indirect, punitive, special or consequential damages or losses, even if STOXX or its Licensors knows that they might occur. The licensing agreement between 'O...
Licensavtalsenlig rätt. OP Företagsbanken Abp har på basis av ett licensavtal rätt att an- vända indexet Markit iTraxx Europe Crossover S33 i samband med emissionen av det här obligationslånet. Enligt licensavtalet är OP Företagsbanken Abp skyldig att införliva följande texter i de här Lånespecifika villkoren: “The Markit iTraxx Europe Crossover S33 (the “Index”) referenced herein is the property of Markit Indices GmbH (“Index Sponsor”) and has been licensed for use in connection with “OP Företagsränta Europa I/2020”. OP Corporate Bank plc acknowledges and agrees that “OP Företagsränta Europa I/2020” is not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by the Index Sponsor. The Index Sponsor makes no repre- sentation whatsoever, whether express or implied, and hereby ex- pressly disclaims all warranties (including, without limitation, those of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use), with re- spect to the Index or any data included therein or relating thereto, and in particular disclaims any warranty either as to the quality, ac- curacy and/or completeness of the Index or any data included therein, the results obtained from the use of the Index and/or the composition of the Index at any particular time on any particular date or otherwise and/or the creditworthiness of any entity, or the likelihood of the occurrence of a credit event or similar event (how- ever defined) with respect to an obligation, in the Index at any par- ticular time on any particular date or otherwise. The Index Sponsor shall not be liable (whether in negligence or otherwise) to the parties or any other person for any error in the Index, and the Index Sponsor is under no obligation to advise the parties or any person of any er- ror therein. The Index Sponsor makes no representation whatsoever, whether express or implied, as to the advisability of entering into, purchasing or selling “OP Företagsränta Europa I/2020”, the ability of the Index to track relevant markets’ performances, or otherwise relating to the Index or any transaction or product with respect thereto, or of as- suming any risks in connection therewith. The Index Sponsor has no obligation to take the needs of any party into consideration in de- termining, composing or calculating the Index. No party entering into, purchasing or selling “OP Företagsränta Europa I/2020”, nor the Index Sponsor, shall have any liability to any party for any act or failure to act by the Index Sponsor in connection with the determi- nation, adjustment, calculati...
Licensavtalsenlig rätt. OP Företagsbanken Abp har enligt ett licensavtal rätt att använda in- dexet MSCI World IMI Digital Economy Select 50 5% Decrement i
Licensavtalsenlig rätt. OP Företagsbanken Abp har på basis av ett licensavtal rätt att använda indexet Markit iTraxx Europe S38 i samband med emissionen av det här obligationslånet. Enligt licensavtalet är OP Företagsbanken Abp skyldig att införliva följande texter i de här Lånespecifika villkoren: “The Markit iTraxx Europe S38 (the “Index”) referenced herein is the property of Markit Indices Limited (“Index Sponsor”) and has been licensed for use in connection with “OP Företagsränta Europa IG Kumulativ XII/2022”. OP Corporate Bank plc acknowledges and agrees that “OP Företagsränta Europa IG Kumulativ XII/2022” is not sponsored, endorsed or promoted by the Index Sponsor. The Index Sponsor makes no representation whatsoever, whether express or implied, and hereby expressly disclaims all warranties (including, without limitation, those of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use), with respect to the Index or any data included therein or relating thereto, and in particular disclaims any warranty either as to the quality, accuracy and/or completeness of the Index or any data included therein, the results obtained from the use of the Index and/or the composition of the Index at any particular time on any particular date or otherwise and/or the creditworthiness of any entity, or the likelihood of the occurrence of a credit event or similar event (however defined) with respect to an obligation, in the Index at any particular time on any particular date or otherwise. The Index Sponsor shall not be liable (whether in negligence or otherwise) to the parties or any other person for any error in the Index, and