Security. 6.1. Visma is committed to providing secure and reliable services, and will at all times maintain administrative, physical and technical security measures as well as backup solutions as described on
Security. Our school operates on a security-minded approach. There will be a security monitor on our premises from 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. All visitors entering our building must check in the school office for approval to be in the building. Children traveling throughout the building must travel in twos. Any person who doesn't have any business to conduct in the school will not be allowed to remain on the premises. *Please do not leave your other children unattended in your cars, when picking up or dropping off a BridgePrep Academy student. Also, please do not leave your purse, wallet, or other valuables in your car when you come to pick up or drop off your child. The school cannot be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items.
Security. Qlik will use commercially reasonable, industry standard security measures in providing Qlik Cloudand will comply with such data security regulations applicable to Qlik Cloud. Qlik has implemented appropriate technical and procedural safeguards to protect and secure Content in accordance with the Information Security Addendum available at Qlik Cloud is hosted and delivered from a data center operated by a third- party provider, which is solely responsible for the underlying infrastructure and hosting of Qlik Cloud. Qlik reserves the right to remove or update its third-party provider. Customer is solely responsible for any breach or loss resulting from: (i) Customer’s failure to control user access; (ii) failure to secure Content which Customer transmits to and from Qlik Cloud; and (iii) failure to implement security configurations and encryption technology to protect Content.
Security. Scanning befinner sig per dags dato i början på utvecklingsfasen. JS Security planerar att marknadsnotera en egen kryptotoken, JSTX, under 2023. Bakgrunden till det är att Bolaget ser behov av ett incitamentssystem för nodoperatörerna, vilka idag kostnadsfritt allokerar lagringsutrymme till JS Securitys P2P-nätverk. Tanken är att nodoperatörerna ska få ersättning i form av denna token och att de sedan kan välja att sälja krypton på en marknadsplats för att få betalning i kronor. JS Security planerar att behålla en stor del av JSTX internt och skapar på det sättet ytterligare substansvärde samt en finansiell reserv för Bolaget. 6ffärsmodєll Apex och Anolyx erbjuds i standardformat. Kunder betalar i nuläget en månatlig abonnemangskostnad som grundar sig på antalet användare. I framtiden kan kostnaden även komma att baseras på exempelvis mängden lagring och nivå av säkerhet. När det gäller Apex och Anolyx arbetar JS Security med en 14-dagars testperiod för att attrahera blivande kunder. Testperioden omvandlas till en ”pay-as-you-go”-modell när testtiden löper ut. Om det behövs specialanpassningar för att implementera Apex och Anolyx kan JS Security hjälpa kunder att lösa individuella problem inom olika sektorer. I detta fall utgår konsultarvode för skräddarsydda lösningar. StoneBeach säljer idag program från Oracle där det ingår licensavgifter. Den långsiktiga visionen är att brygga större delar av licenskostnaden till intern försäljning av JS Securitys egna produkter.
Security. The bank guarantee (SEK 3,500,000) requested according to the Main Contract shall be increased to a total of SEK 5,000,000 and transferred to the lessor by 17.07.1998 at the latest. The bank guarantee for SEK 5,000,000 shall be reduced from 30.09.1999 inclusive to SEK 3,000,000 and shall cease in full from 30.09.2000 inclusive provided that during this period the lessee has fulfilled all the obligations according to this lease contract and that the lessee can be judged by the lessor to be so credit-worthy that there is no need for supplementary security. Regardless of what is stated above, the lessor's demand for a bank guarantee shall cease from the day when the lessee is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The Main Agreement otherwise applies on unchanged terms and conditions. This supplement has been drawn up in two identical copies of which the lessor and lessee have each taken their own. PLACE DATE PLACE DATE Stockholm for 18.08.98 Stockholm 27.07.98 Trygg-Hansa Livsforsakrings AB for (Publ) Spray Network AB TRYGG-HANSA [Signature] [Signature] [Signature] Lessor Lessee XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX Name in print Name in print XXX XXXXXXX TRYGG-HANSA APPENDIX 2A TYPE ROOM DESCRIPTION office building Nybrogatan for Spray floor 1 - floor 3 24.06.98 koncept ab sibyllegatan 53 114 43 stockholm TRYGG-HANSA GENERAL SUPPLY SYSTEM VENTILATION According to a framework description. HEATING According to a framework description. WATER AND SEWAGE CHARGES See room description in framework document. COOLING Open installation with a screen as protection for cooling lamella.
Security. The CONTRACTOR shall follow all protocols and documents regulating access to the sites of AIR LIQUIDE or its customers. Photographing and/or filming parts of installations is prohibited without the explicit permission of AIR LIQUIDE.
Security. (1) The Processor shall take appropriate technical and organizational measures to adequately protect the personal data in accordance with Article 28 (3) GDPR in conjunction with Article 32 (1) GDPR in order to ensure the security of the processing on behalf of the court. To this end, the Processor will • ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the systems and services associated with processing in the long term; • ensure the ability to rapidly restore the availability and access to personal data in the event of a physical or technical incident; • maintain a procedure for the regular review, evaluation and evaluation of the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures to ensure the safety of processing. The state of the art, the implementation costs and the nature, scope and purposes of the processing, as well as the different probability and severity of the risk to the rights and freedoms of individuals within the meaning of Article 32(1) GDPR must be taken into account.
(2) The Parties agree on the specific data security measures set out in Section IV of this Agreement, "Technical and Organizational Measures".
(3) Technical and organizational measures shall be subject to technical progress and development. In this respect, the Processor is permitted to implement alternative adequate measures. The level of safety of the measures laid down must not be lowered. Substantial changes must be documented and notified to the Controller in writing.
Security. The premises used by Avantime shall be protected with adequate physical security measures, such as alarms for fires, water damage, burglary, etc. In addition, there should be procedures and equipment for example in the form of alarms, barriers, locks, etc. which control access to the premises. Avantime shall introduce necessary safety routines, such as (i) lock devices on computers and other equipment; (ii) entry control system; (iii) protection gear for power breaks as well as smoke and water damages; (iv) fire extinguishers; (v) safety locks; and (vi) marking of equipment etc. Avantime should possess an updated and implemented security policy which states for example the manner in which the personal data shall be processed, to whom Xxxxxxxx’x personnel shall turn in the event of a burglary or other incident, which personnel are authorised as regards which type of information, back-up procedures, contingency plans, etc. Avantime should create a safe IT-environment, which includes, but is not limited to (i) necessary safety routines for avoiding virus attacks or other threats that could be harmful to the IT-environment; (ii) an encryption system and/or other security measures with the purpose of avoiding tapping or revealing signals; (iii) necessary security routines for IT-equipment;
Security. Leverantören ska vidta de åtgärder som krävs för att uppfylla Artikel 32 i Dataskyddsförordningen och som närmare beskrivs i Bilaga 2. The Supplier shall take the measures required to fulfil Article 32 of the GDPR and which are further described in Schedule 2.
Security. All safety aids must be used during training. Examples of safety aids are the emergency stop on the treadmill. The gym is equipped with an AED defibrillator in an alarm cabinet. Contact staff for information on how to use it. Training instructions with a review of programs, safety and policy are offered to all trainees. Emergency exits must not be blocked for everyone's safety.