Signature exempelklausuler

Signature. Place and date
Signature. Price guarantee date Cardnumber Signature Town Postal code
Signature. All applicants must sign this form unless it is signed by a common representative with power of attorney.
Signature. Sign and date the application and any legal documents enclosed with the application, such as power of attorney or deed of transfer. If there are multiple patent applicants, you must all sign the application and the power of attorney. If a company is the applicant, the application must be signed by a person authorized to sign for the company.
Signature. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx ............................................... Name in block letters For the Kingdom of Sweden ...............................................
Signature. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Vice-President of the Council of Ministers ............................................... Name in block letters For the Government of the Republic of Cuba
Signature. Xxxx Xxxxxxxx
Signature. Gufran Al-Nadaf
Signature. The Merchant must not check the signature if the Cardholder signs the Transaction by PIN code (see Section 2.3 above). In the following cases, a written signature must be provided and as such the Cardholder may not be asked to use his or her PIN code: • PIN code cannot be verified by chip or issuer; • The number of the Card has been registered manually, that is, the Card could not be read by machine; or • Refunds. The Merchant shall compare the Cardholder's signature on the signature receipt with that on the Card and the identification document. If the signatures do not match, the Merchant shall not accept the Card as a means of payment.