Account Operator-definition

Account Operator means a bank or other party that, if the Company is a CSD Company, has been approved as an account operator under the Financial Instruments Accounts Act (1998:1479) and with which Holders of Warrants have opened accounts for Warrants.
Account Operator means a bank or other party through which a Noteholder has opened a Securities Account in respect of its Notes.
Account Operator means bank or other that has been approved as an account operator pursuant to the Financial Instruments Accounts Act (SFS 1998:1479) and with whom holders of warrants have opened accounts for warrants.

Examples of Account Operator in a sentence

  • For the measures to be taken by the Company, the Account Operator and/or Euroclear under these terms, the Company, the Account Operator or Euroclear – for Euroclear taking into account the provisions of the Financial Instruments Accounts Act (1998:1479) – cannot be held liable for damages as a consequence of Swedish or other countries’ legislative amendments, the actions of government agencies in Sweden or other countries, acts of war, strikes, blockades, boycotts, lockouts or similar measures.

  • Nor is the Company, the Account Operator or Euroclear liable in other cases to pay compensation for damages arising where the Company has exercised a normal standard of care.

  • Other registrations regarding the account may be made either by the Account Operator or another account operator.

  • The proviso concerning strikes, blockades, boycotts and lockouts applies whether the Company, the Account Operator or Euroclear has taken or is subject to the measures.

  • The Company, the Account Operator or Euroclear is not in any circumstances liable to pay compensation for consequential loss or damage.

  • Registrations concerning Warrants due to Sections 4 and 6 will be carried out by the Account Operator.

  • Registration requests relating to the Notes shall be directed to an Account Operator.

  • Where applicable, the Company undertakes to appoint an Account Operator before the day the Company becomes a CSD Company, to be responsible for registration in CSD registers due to measures under the paragraph above and Sections 4 to 6.

  • Registrations concerning the loan due to Sections 6, 7 and 8 will be carried out by the Account Operator.

  • Where applicable, the Company undertakes to appoint an Account Operator before the day the Company becomes a CSD Company, to be responsible for registration in CSD registers due to measures under the paragraph above and Sections 6 to 8.

Related to Account Operator

  • Avstämningsdag är den femte Bankdagen före (eller annan Bankdag före den relevanta dagen som generellt kan komma att tillämpas på den svenska obligationsmarknaden) (i) förfallodag för ränta eller kapitalbelopp enligt Lånevillkoren, (ii) annan dag då betalning ska ske till Fordringshavare, (iii) dagen för Fordringshavarmöte, (iv) dagen för avsändande av meddelande, eller (v) annan relevant dag.