Costs Belong to the Customer Örnek Maddeleri

Costs Belong to the Customer. 24.4.1. Primarily the normal charges that will be taken from the Customer and guarantees and securities purchase, due to credits and transactions considered as credits and their imposition, cancellation and refunds, recovery of debts, as a result of all the work and relationships specified in this Agreement and pursuant to the agreement and regulations all security, registration and imposition costs, insurance premiums, commissions, protest, notification, communication, recording in the stock market or other place, registration, cancellation, imposition, transport, storage, warehousing and storage, analysis, appraisal costs and additionally detection, delivery, release, sequestration, injunctions, enforcement proceedings, foreclosure, housing, sales, litigation costs. and follow-up procedures and other than the payments to be made officially for suits, accommodation, travel expenses to be paid in the country and abroad for the performance of these transactions and again administrative expenses and other costs totally belong to Customer.
Costs Belong to the Customer. 24.4.1. Primarily the normal charges that will be taken from the Customer and guarantees and securities purchase, due to credits and transactions considered as credits and their imposition, cancellation and refunds, recovery of debts, as a result of all the work and relationships specified in this Agreement and pursuant to the agreement and regulations all security, registration and imposition

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