Customer Obligations Örnek Maddeleri

Customer Obligations. Customer is obliged to ensure documents to be submitted via means of communication to be signed duly by authorized persons, to be sent accurately and completely and is liable to take security measures. Otherwise, any damage and loses to possibly incurred shall be borne by Customer. All charges arising from the utilization of the means of communication are to the account of the Customer and the Bank has the right to debit ex officio these charges to the account of the customer. The Bank’s bearing part of these charges for a certain time or indefinitely does not mean that it will bear all communication charges continuously and regarding all communication charges. As long as contact information of Customer set out in the contract or notified to Bank is not amended in written by him/her/itself or through means of communication, these are deemed to be current contact information by Bank and in case of preference by Customer to receive information, notification and statement from Bank, these contact information will be used. The Customer is responsible for updating the contact information in the Bank’s records. Burden of proof for notification to Bank in concerning change in means of communication shall be borne by Customer, this can be carried out in written or by submission through means of communication created by Bank. If customer causes a damage by remaining unresponsive to method of verification in this contract of Bank, Customer will be responsible for damages therein. Banka, işbu sözleşmedeki Müşteri beyan ve taahhütlerine istinaden, iletişim araçları ile gönderilen belgelerin asıllarını almadan iletişim aracı ile geldiği şekliyle işlem yapabilecektir. Müşteri, Bankanın sağladığı bu olanağın kullanılması sırasında ortaya çıkacak her türlü zararlardan sorumlu olduğunu kabul etmiştir. Banka, bir doğrulama yöntemi olarak her zaman belge asıllarını da isteyebilir. Banka gerekli gördüğü her işlemde, Müşterinin ya da işbu sözleşmeyle veya sair biçimde usulünce yetkilendirilmiş kişilerin Bankada kayıtlı telefonlarına ulaşarak, işlemin sözlü olarak doğrulanması anlamında doğrulama yapabilir. Bu görüşmeler Bankaca kaydedilebilir; Müşteri bu tür kayıtlara peşinen muvafakat etmektedir. Ayrıca yetkililerden temin edilmesi gereken muvafakatnamelerin temin edilerek Bankaya iletilmesi sorumluluğu da Müşteriye aittir. Keza Banka telefon dışında da diğer iletişim araçlarını, Müşterinin ya da işbu sözleşmeyle veya sair biçimde usulünce yetkilendirilmiş kişilerin mobil vey...
Customer Obligations. 19.2.1. The Customer is liable to have the documents to be sent by communication means, true and complete and to take all necessary safety measures. Otherwise Customer will be responsible for the possible loss and damage. 19.2.2. All the expenses arising from the use of communication means will be borne by the Customer, the Bank is authorized to debit these expenses ex officio to the Customer account. The fact that the Bank has incurred some of these expenses does not mean that the Bank will bear the costs continuously and in terms of all communication costs. 19.2.3. Unless the contact information written in the Agreement or communicated to the Bank by the Customer is changed in writing or through communication channels; such information will be deemed as the active contact information of the Customer by the Bank and such contact information will be used for sending information, notice, statement, etc. 19.2.4. Customer is responsible for the contact information recorded by the Bank to be updated. The obligation to prove that the customer has reported the changes in the communication tools belongs to the Customer; it can prove this in writing or by communicating through the communication channels created by the Bank. 19.2.5. If the Customer caused the Bank damage as a result of being quiet/indifferent towards the confirmation methods written in the Agreement, it shall be responsible for this damage.
Customer Obligations. 30.2.1. The Customer is liable for the documents to be transmitted by means of communication to be signed by the officials, to be sent accurately and completely and to take all other necessary safety precautions. Otherwise, the customer will be responsible for loss or damage that may arise. 30.2.2. All costs resulting from the use of communication tools belong to the Customer, the Bank is authorized to register these debts to the customer's account ex officio. The Bank incurring a portion of these costs does not mean that it will endure them continuously and in terms of all communication costs. 30.2.3. Unless the Customer's contact information written in the Agreement or reported to the Bank are changed in writing or by using communication channels by itself; it will be recognized as active contacts by the Bank and when Bank prefers to send, notices, statements, etc. to the Customer with these tools and these contact information will be used. 30.2.4. The Customer is responsible for keeping contact details in the Customer's bank records up to date. To prove that he has reported changes in media is the Customer's obligation; he can prove in writing or through communication channels formed by the Bank. 30.2.5. If Customer by keeping silent/indifferent to Bank's verification methods written in this Agreement and causes the formation of a loss, he will be responsible for this loss.
Customer Obligations. 30.2.1. The Customer is liable for the documents to be transmitted by means of communication to be signed by the officials, to be sent accurately and completely and to take all other necessary safety precautions. Otherwise, the customer will be responsible for loss or damage that may arise. 30.2.2. All costs resulting from the use of communication tools belong to the Customer, the Bank is authorized to register these debts to the customer's account ex officio. The Bank incurring a portion of these costs does not mean that it will endure them continuously and in terms of all communication costs. 30.2.3. Unless the Customer's contact information written in the Agreement or reported to the Bank are changed in writing or by using communication channels by itself; it will be recognized as active contacts by the Bank and when Bank prefers to send, notices, statements, etc. to the Customer with these tools and these contact information will be used. Bankanın oluşturduğu iletişim kanalları aracılığıyla iletmek suretiyle kanıtlayabilir.
Customer Obligations iletişim bilgileri kendisi tarafından yazılı olarak veya iletişim kanalları kullanılmak suretiyle değiştirilmedikçe; Banka tarafından Müşterinin aktif iletişim bilgileri olarak kabul edilecek ve Banka tarafından Müşteriye iletişim araçlarıyla bilgi, ihbar, ekstre vs. gönderilmesinin tercih edilmesi durumunda bu iletişim bilgileri kullanılacaktır.