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Визначення Insured person

Insured person an individual whose insurance with the consent of which is concluded by the Contract, which may acquire the rights and obligations of the Insurant.
Insured person a natural person who leaves the territory of Ukraine / country of permanent residence and in whose favor the Insurance contract is concluded. The Insured may acquire the rights and obligations of the Policyholder. 1.3.3. Sum insured — the amount of money specified in the Insurance Contract, within which the Insurer in accordance with the terms of insurance is obliged to pay out an insurance indemnity upon occurrence of an insured event.
Insured person a natural person, in whose favour the Comprehensive voluntary health insurance contract and foreigners third party liability is executed and who is specified in the Insurance Contract. This Contract may be executed by the Policyholder individual to their own benefit, and in this case, the Policyholder shall simultaneously be deemed an Insured Person. This Contract may be executed by the Policyholder (legal entity or a legally capable individual) and in favor of the third parties (Insured Persons) with their consent (with the consent of the legal representative, if the Insured is a minor). The capable individual Insured Person may acquire the rights and obligations of the Policyholder according to the Insurance Contract.

Examples of Insured person in a sentence

  • Emergency first aid Organization and payment of medical care for Insured person in conditions requiring urgent medical care, not providing which, can lead to death or irreversible changes in the body.

  • Organization and payment for in-patient treatment of the Insured person in hospital during up to 10 days after the end of the period of insurance, if it is necessary for medical reasons.

  • The Insurer pays for the Insured person's treatment abroad within the insured sum specified in the Contract until the health of the Insured person in doctor’s judgment permits the evacuation to Ukraine or the country of permanent residence.

  • Contract validity period shall be determined by the insurance policy regarding each Insured person.

  • The qualification of the actions of the Insurant or the Insured person is established in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.

  • Під необережністю розуміється, що особа: Insured person and / or interested third parties leading to the occurrence of an insured event, as well as the commission or attempted accomplishment by the Insured of a criminal offense or violation of laws, established norms, medical appointments, sanitary and anti- epidemiological recommendations, etc.

  • The health disorder is an illness or traumatic injury of the Insured person as a result of an accident.

  • For each trip abroad, the period of validity of insurance protection automatically decreases on the number of days spent by the Insured person in the territory (in place) of the Contract.

  • The cost of services themselves the Insured person pays on his own.

  • Insurer’s liability limit, UAH ні no 2 500,00 5 000,00 7 500,00 Шкода, заподіяна життю, здоров’ю третіх осіб ненавмисними діями Страхувальника Damage caused to the life and health of third parties by unintentional actions of the Insured person ні no 70% 70% 70% Шкода, заподіяна майну третіх осіб ненавмисними діями Страхувальника Damage caused to the property of third parties by unintentional actions of the Insured person ні no 30% 30% 30% Ліміт відповідальності Страховика, грн.

More Definitions of Insured person

Insured person is a natural person in whose favor (with his consent) the Contract is concluded in the part that relates to voluntary medical insurance and voluntary insurance against accidents, and who may acquire the rights and obligations of the Policyholder under the Contract. The insured person can be an individual aged 3 to 65 years. If the Policyholder has entered into the Contract in respect of himself, he is also the Insured Person. The Policyholder may designate as Insured Persons only those natural persons in respect of whom the Policyholder is a legal representative (one of the parents or adoptive parent of a minor and an underage child, guardian of a minor, etc.). Вигодонабувач : Beneficiary:
Insured person that is transported (baggage) and placed under the responsibility of the carrier during transportation.
Insured person an individual on insurance concluded by the Agreement. The insured person under the Agreement is the Insured.

Related to Insured person

  • Страховий ризик певна подія, на випадок якої проводиться страхування і яка має ознаки ймовірності та випадковості настання.

  • Страхова виплата грошова сума, яка виплачується Страховиком відповідно до умов Договору страхування при настанні страхового випадку.

  • Страхова сума грошова сума, в межах якої Страховик відповідно до умов договору страхування зобов’язаний здійснити страхову виплату при настанні страхового випадку. Xxxxxxxx сума встановлюється за Договором.

  • Страховий платіж (страхова премія) - плата за страхування, яку Страхувальник зобов’язаний внести Страховику у відповідності з договором страхування.

  • SMS Short Message Service (послуга коротких повідомлень), система, що дозволяє відправляти та отримувати текстові повідомлення за допомогою послуг оператора мобільного зв’язку та за наявності відповідного мобільного телефону.