Examples of Insured person in a sentence
Emergency first aid Organization and payment of medical care for Insured person in conditions requiring urgent medical care, not providing which, can lead to death or irreversible changes in the body.
Organization and payment for in-patient treatment of the Insured person in hospital during up to 10 days after the end of the period of insurance, if it is necessary for medical reasons.
The Insurer pays for the Insured person's treatment abroad within the insured sum specified in the Contract until the health of the Insured person in doctor’s judgment permits the evacuation to Ukraine or the country of permanent residence.
Contract validity period shall be determined by the insurance policy regarding each Insured person.
The qualification of the actions of the Insurant or the Insured person is established in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
Під необережністю розуміється, що особа: Insured person and / or interested third parties leading to the occurrence of an insured event, as well as the commission or attempted accomplishment by the Insured of a criminal offense or violation of laws, established norms, medical appointments, sanitary and anti- epidemiological recommendations, etc.
The health disorder is an illness or traumatic injury of the Insured person as a result of an accident.
For each trip abroad, the period of validity of insurance protection automatically decreases on the number of days spent by the Insured person in the territory (in place) of the Contract.
The cost of services themselves the Insured person pays on his own.
Insurer’s liability limit, UAH ні no 2 500,00 5 000,00 7 500,00 Шкода, заподіяна життю, здоров’ю третіх осіб ненавмисними діями Страхувальника Damage caused to the life and health of third parties by unintentional actions of the Insured person ні no 70% 70% 70% Шкода, заподіяна майну третіх осіб ненавмисними діями Страхувальника Damage caused to the property of third parties by unintentional actions of the Insured person ні no 30% 30% 30% Ліміт відповідальності Страховика, грн.