AEOI Compliance 样本条款

AEOI Compliance. Disclosure, Consent and Waiver: The Client shall provide to GTJAF, GTJA Group, their agents or service providers, upon request, any documentation or other information regarding the Client and its beneficial owners that GTJAF, GTJA Group, their agents or service providers may require from time to time in connection with their obligations under, and compliance with, applicable laws and regulations including, but not limited to, AEOI. The Client hereby agrees and consents that GTJAF, GTJA Group and their agents and service providers may collect, store and process information obtained from the Client or otherwise in connection with this Agreement and/or the Client’s transactions for the purposes of complying with AEOI and/or other applicable law, including disclosures between GTJAF and any of them and to the governmental authorities of the United States of America, Hong Kong and/or other jurisdictions. To the extent permitted by law, Client hereby waives any provision of any data protection, privacy, banking secrecy or other law or regulation of any jurisdiction and/or the terms of any confidentiality agreement, arrangement or understanding that would otherwise prevent compliance by GTJAF, GTJA Group and their agents and service providers with AEOI and/or other applicable law. The Client acknowledges that this may include transfers of information to jurisdictions which do not have strict data protection, data privacy laws or banking secrecy laws. The Client shall ensure that, before the Client or anyone on its behalf discloses information relating to any third party to GTJAF, GTJA Group or their agents or service providers in connection with this Agreement or the Client’s transactions that third party has been provided with such information and has given such consents or waivers as are necessary to allow GTJAF, GTJA Group and their agents and service providers to collect, store, process and disclose his, her or its information as described in this Clause.

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