Charge 样本条款

Charge. 22.5.1 The Client, as beneficial owner, charges in favor of the Company by way of first fixed charge all the Client’s respective rights, title, benefits and interests in and to all Collaterals as a continuing security (“Charge”) for the payment and satisfaction on demand of the Company of all monies and liabilities (actual or contingent) and performance of any obligation arising under the Margin Facility Terms which are now or at any time hereafter may be due, owing or incurred from or by the Client to the Company or its Group Companies, or for which the Client may be or become liable to the Company or its Group Companies on any Account or in any manner whatsoever (whether alone or jointly with any other person and in whatever name style or firm) together with interest on the amounts due from the date of demand to the date of repayment in full, and any commission and such other cost (legal or otherwise, if legal on a full indemnity basis), charge and expense as they appear in the records of the Company or its Group Companies; which Charge shall be exercisable/enforceable by the Company forthwith and without notice upon the happening of an Event of Default.
Charge. 3.1 You will charge to us all securities purchased by us for your margin account as continuing security for the payment of all amounts owing by you to us (whether or not in connection with your margin account). The charge will extend to all dividends, interest, distributions, allotments, offers, benefits, entitlements, securities and rights accruing, paid, made, offered or arising in respect of, and the proceeds of sale of, the securities.
Charge. 4.1 The Client, as beneficial owner, charges in favour of WLSL by way of first fixed charge all the Client’s respective rights, title, benefits and interests in and to all Collateral as a continuing security (“Charge”) for the payment and satisfaction on demand of all monies and liabilities absolute or contingent and performance of all obligations under the Margin Facility Terms which are now or at any time hereafter may be due, owing or incurred from or by the Client to WLSL, or for which the Client may be or become liable to WLSL on any account or in any manner whatsoever (whether alone or jointly with any other person and in whatever name style or form) together with interest from the date of demand to the date of repayment, and any commission, legal and other costs, charges and expenses as they appear in the records of WLSL.
Charge. 3.1 The Customer, as beneficial owner, charges in favour of the Company by way of first fixed charge all the Customer’s respective rights, title, benefits and interests in and to all Collateral as a continuing security (“Charge”) for the payment and satisfaction on demand of all monies and liabilities (absolute or contingent) and performance of all obligations under the Margin Facility Terms which are now or at any time hereafter may be due, owing or incurred from or by the Customer to the Company or its Associates, or for which the Customer may be or become liable to the Company or its Associates on any account or in any manner whatsoever (whether alone or jointly with any other person and in whatever name style or firm) together with interest from the date of demand to the date of repayment, and any commission, legal and other costs, charges and expenses as they appear in the records of the Company or its Associates.
Charge on a continuing basis without the Client’s written consent if the Company issues to the Client a written reminder at least fourteen (14) days prior to the expiry date of the Client Securities Standing Authority, and the Client does not object to such deemed renewal before such expiry date.

Related to Charge

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