CLIENT IDENTITY. 10.1 In this Agreement, (a) the expression “ultimate beneficiary”, in relation to any transaction effected or to be effected on markets operated by the SEHK and/or HKFE for the Client pursuant to this Agreement, means each and every person who (i) is the principal for whom the Client is acting as agent in relation to such transaction or (ii) stands to gain the commercial or economic benefit of such transaction and/or to bear its commercial or economic risk or (iii) is ultimately responsible for giving the instruction in relation to such transaction and (b) the expression “identity information”, in relation to any person, means the true and full identity of such person, including such person’s alias(es), address(es), occupation(s) and contact details. 10.2 If, in respect of any transaction effected or to be effected on the markets operated by the SEHK and/or HKFE for the Client pursuant to this Agreement, the Client is acting as agent and the Client is for any reason prevented from disclosing or providing to the Investment Manager identity information in respect of the ultimate beneficiary in respect of that transaction, the Client undertakes to provide such identity information to the relevant market, clearing house, or regulatory authority, including the SFC, the SEHK, HKFE, overseas exchanges and clearing houses or other governmental or regulatory authorities and entities (the “Relevant Regulators”) pursuant to any legal obligations and court orders directly within two business days (or such shorter period as the Relevant Regulators may reasonably specify for the purpose of this Clause 10.2) of receipt of a written request either from the Investment Manager or from the Regulators. The Client’s undertaking under this Clause 10.2 shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 10.3 If, in respect of any transaction effected or to be effected on the markets operated by SEHK and/or HKFE for the Client pursuant to this Agreement, the Client is acting as investment manager of any investment scheme, account or discretionary trust (or any other person) and the Client’s discretion is overridden by one or more of the beneficiaries of such scheme, account or trust (or such other person), the Client undertakes to (a) inform the Investment Manager of such arrangement and


  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx.xx/

  • IVD 血液 (血清/血漿) 陰性/陽性/不確定

  • 信用记录 供应商未被列入“信用中国”网站(“记录失信被执行人或重大税收违法案件当事人名单”记录名单; 不处于中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.go x.xx)“政府采购严重违法失信行为信息记录 中的禁止参加政府采购活动期间。 (以采购代理机构于投标(响应) 截止时间当天在“信用中国”网站(www.creditchi 及中国政府采购网(xxxx:// 查询结果为准, 如相关失信记录已失效, 供应商需提供相关证明资料) 。 7 供应商必须符合法律、行政法规规定的其他条件 单位负责人为同一人或者存在直接控股、 管理关系的不同供应商,不得同时参加本采购项目(或采购包) 投标(响应)。 为本项目提供整体设计、 规范编制或者项目管理、 监理、 检测等服务的供应商, 不得再参与本项目投标(响应)。 投标( 报价) 函相关承诺要求内容。

  • T+n 日 指自 T 日起第 n 个工作日(不包含 T 日)

  • Point PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声

  • T 日 指销售机构在规定时间受理投资人申购、赎回或其他业务申请的工作日

  • km/h 0.075 ℓ/kw-h

  • xdf 国と当社との委託契約に基づき、当該契約を締結するため、契約締結日は国の令和 4 年度予算(暫定予算を含む。)が成立した日以降とする。 また、暫定予算になった場合、全体の契約期間に対する暫定予算の期間分のみの契約とする場合がある。

  • 认购登记日 指产品管理人对认购人提交的认购申请进行理财产品份额登记的日期。

  • V= ―――――――――― 100 (備 考) V は、16(13)の規定により算定するガス量 V1は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによるガス量 A は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによる速動又は遅動の割合(パーセント) (別表第9)2.5 キロパスカルを超える圧力で供給する場合のガス量の算式 101.325+0.981 (備 考) V は、16(16)の規定により算定するガス量 P は、2.5 キロパスカルを超えて供給する圧力 V1は、ガスメーターの検針量