Discretion of the Company Before the Auction 样本条款

Discretion of the Company Before the Auction. Before the auction, the Company shall have sole discretion in the following matters: (1) To give any description and/or account and/or assessment of any Auction Property in the Catalogue or any other notice, report or document and/or by way of the news media and/or other media; (2) Whether or not to seek the opinion of any external experts or custodian, agent or other third parties, and perform or carry out the duty of care, requirements, research or inspection relating to the Auction Property or the origin of the Auction Property before and after the sale, and the Company shall not bear any liability in respect of any acts or negligence by the aforementioned third parties; (3) Such arrangements as the sequence, position, display size, etc. of the illustrations of the Auction Property in the Catalogue as well as the fee schedule therefor; the method of exhibiting/displaying the Auction Property; the various arrangements for the Auction Property in the course of the exhibition/display thereof and the rates of the charges payable therefor; (4) Unless otherwise agreed by the Company and the Seller, the Company shall have sole discretion to decide whether or not a particular Auction Property is suitable for auction by the Company (i.e. whether it is ultimately put up for auction), to withdraw an Auction Property from auction, combine it with other Auction Property for auction or split it up into different categories for auction, as well as the auction venue, number of auction sessions, Auction Date, auction conditions and auction method, etc.; (5) The Company may, depending on any such circumstances as the auction conditions and auction method, announce before the Auction Date the conditions and procedure for Bidders to obtain paddles, including but not limited to formulating the qualification conditions for Bidders to obtain a paddle. When a Bidder wishes to participate in the auction by the Company, he or she shall pay an auction deposit before collecting his or her paddle. The amount of the auction deposit shall be announced by the Company before the Auction Date, and the Company has the right to reduce or waive the auction deposit. The Company has the right, at its discretion, to refuse anyone from participating in the auction organized by the Company or from entering the auction venue, and the right to refuse or accept any bid.

Related to Discretion of the Company Before the Auction

  • 转出总金额(C=A B) 12,000,000.00 转出基金赎回费率(D) 0.5% 转出基金费用(E=C*D) 60,000.00 转换金额(F=C-E) 11,940,000.00

  • 信用记录 供应商未被列入“信用中国”网站(xxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx)“记录失信被执行人或重大税收违法案件当事人名单”记录名单; 不处于中国政府采购网(www.ccgp.go x.xx)“政府采购严重违法失信行为信息记录 中的禁止参加政府采购活动期间。 (以采购代理机构于投标(响应) 截止时间当天在“信用中国”网站(www.creditchi xx.xxx.xx) 及中国政府采购网(xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxx.xx/) 查询结果为准, 如相关失信记录已失效, 供应商需提供相关证明资料) 。 7 供应商必须符合法律、行政法规规定的其他条件 单位负责人为同一人或者存在直接控股、 管理关系的不同供应商,不得同时参加本采购项目(或采购包) 投标(响应)。 为本项目提供整体设计、 规范编制或者项目管理、 监理、 检测等服务的供应商, 不得再参与本项目投标(响应)。 投标( 报价) 函相关承诺要求内容。

  • 定期契約 工作地點 桃園龍潭 教育程度 學士

  • 附件 3 质疑函范本及制作说明

  • Point PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 公募書類の作成

  • 甲方职责 1. 督促乙方严格遵守国家有关安全生产的法律法规,认真执行工程承包合同中的有关安全要求。 2. 按照“安全

  • V= ―――――――――― 100 (備 考) V は、16(13)の規定により算定するガス量 V1は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによるガス量 A は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによる速動又は遅動の割合(パーセント) (別表第9)2.5 キロパスカルを超える圧力で供給する場合のガス量の算式 101.325+0.981 (備 考) V は、16(16)の規定により算定するガス量 P は、2.5 キロパスカルを超えて供給する圧力 V1は、ガスメーターの検針量

  • 附件 10 残疾人福利性单位声明函格式

  • 开标记录和评标情况及说明,包括投标无效投标人名单及原因; 评标结果和中标候选供应商排序表;

  • IVD 血液 (血清/血浆) 阴性/阳性(滴度) --