General Information 样本条款

General Information. 客户(可能根据订单不同有所变化)为米巴集团(Miba AG)或与米巴集团 (Miba AG)关联企业(无论股权比例),以下简称:客户。供货商指在本采购条款使用范围内与客户签订供货合同的公司,以下简称:供货商。无论是否事先明确表明本采购条款的约束性,本采购条款适用于客户作为采购者或类似身份与供货商缔结的所有交易,包括但不仅限于货品的生产和供应、对半成品的 精 加 工 及 履 行 服 务 ( 以 下 统 称 “ 货 品 / 服 务 ” ) 。 可 到 xxxx:// 查看本采购条款的多语言版本。以合同协议中规定的语言版本为准(其他语言版本仅为参考信息),如有任何歧义,则以德语版本为准。供货商最迟向客户发出订单确认函时或开始执 行订单时表示同意本采购条款。除非在个别情况下有明确表示与其不符的的书面协定,客户和供货商之间的法律关系仅参照本采购条款的规定,即使供货商提到自己的销售或商业条款并且客户甚至未明确拒绝遵守供货商的标准条款。此外,即使客户在了解供货商标准条款与本采购条款不符的情况下仍然无保留地接受订货合同所规定的货品/服务,则同样以本采购条款为准。供货商有义务对每样货品的来源及批号进行跟踪和记录,并且自交货起,将此记录保存至少 15年。 The Customer (hereinafter: “Customer”) is Miba AG or an affiliate of Miba AG (regardless of the shareholding percentage), depending on what is indicated in the order. The Supplier (hereinafter: “Supplier”) is the company which enters into a contract with Customer in the area of application of these Miba General Terms & Conditions of Purchase (hereinafter referred to as “T&Cs of Purchase”). Regardless of whether explicit reference is made to them, these T&Cs of Purchase apply to all legal transactions between Customer as purchaser, buyer, ordering party or similar and Supplier, including but not limited to the production and supply of goods, processing of semifinished goods and provision of goods and services (hereinafter also referred to jointly as “Goods & Services”). These T&Cs of Purchase are available at xxxx:// in several languages; the language version in the language in which the contract document for which these T&Cs of Purchase form the basis was drawn up shall be deemed the authoritative version (the other language versions shall be deemed non-binding and are provided for informational purposes only); in cases of doubt, the German version shall be deemed the authoritative version. Supplier accepts these T&Cs of Purchase at the latest on the date of confirmation or start of implementation of Customer’s order. The legal relations between Customer and Supplier shall in all instances be governed by these T&Cs of Purchase alone, unless other provisions are explicitly agreed in writing in a given individual case. This shall apply regardless of any reference made by Supplier to its own terms & conditions of sale or other terms and conditions, including if Customer has not explicitly objected to the inclusion thereof. Furthermore, this shall also apply in cases where Customer, in full awareness that Supplier’s terms & conditions contradict or differ from its...
General Information. 1.1. These General Terms & Conditions of Sale and Delivery (hereinafter ”General T&Cs of Sale and Delivery”) apply to all business relations between Supplier, i.e. – depending on the designation in the order confirmation – Miba AG or an affiliate of Miba AG (hereinafter “Supplier”) and an enterprise (hereinafter “Customer”); hereinafter, Supplier and Customer are referred to as “the Parties”. In particular, these General T&Cs of Sale and Delivery shall in all instances, regardless of whether in the actual concrete case Supplier explicitly makes reference to these General T&Cs of Sale and Delivery, apply to all goods and services (hereinafter referred to as Goods & Services) provided by Supplier to Customer. These General T&Cs of Sale and Delivery are available at xxxx:// in several languages; the language version in the language in which the contract document for which these General T&Cs of Sale and Delivery form the basis was drawn up shall be deemed the authoritative version (the other language versions shall be deemed non-binding and are provided for informational purposes only); in cases of doubt, the German version shall be deemed the authoritative version.
General Information. The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging (JIEP) is an academic society mainly focusing on various aspects of electronics and electronic packaging technologies. It publishes “Transactions of The Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging” (Trans. JIEP) regularly. JIEP has published Trans. JIEP, since 2008 to contribute to the development of the electronics packaging field and communication among members by posting technical information and the latest trends related to electronics packaging. Trans. JIEP is a peer-reviewed journal in English and has the following features: • Trans. JIEP publishes papers for free access to disseminate the latest research content to more researchers. • The accepted paper is released immediately online on J-STAGE, prior to the journal’s yearly publication. • Trans. JIEP has over 250 articles and provides about 1,500 downloads each month. • The Journal accepts the submission not only from the members of the JIEP but also from non- members. • Trans. JIEP provides peer-reviewed, unbiased information. 1. Author Ethics 1-1. Ethical Requirements 1-1-1. Authorship 1-1-2. Cite Sources Appropriately I nappropriate use of citations 1-1-3. Report Your Data Accurately

Related to General Information

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 关联方关系介绍 中化集团财务有限责任公司是中国中化(公司控股股东中国蓝星(集团)股份有限公司的母公司)的子公司。中化集团财务有限责任公司与本公司均受同一实际控制人控制,构成《上海证券交易所股票上市规则》第 6.3.3 条第(二)项规定的情形。

  • 许可证 在遵守本协议条款和条件之前提下且依照 UPS 技术中授予您的许可证,您可出于内部目的在适用的许可地域内访问和使用称为 UPS Freight Images 之 UPS 技术,从而查看您的货件文件的图像。

  • IVD 血液 (血清/血漿) 陰性/陽性/不確定

  • 估值错误处理原则 (1) 估值错误已发生,但尚未给当事人造成损失时,估值错误责任方应及时协调各方,及时进行更正,因更正估值错误发生的费用由估值错误责任方承担;由于估值错误责任方未及时更正已产生的估值错误,给当事人造成损失的,由估值错误责任方对直接损失承担赔偿责任;若估值错误责任方已经积极协调,并且有协助义务的当事人有足够的时间进行更正而未更正,则其应当承担相应赔偿责任。估值错误责任方应对更正的情况向有关当事人进行确认,确保估值错误已得到更正。

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  • 关联交易概述 露笑科技股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)根据公司经营发展需要,为了减少关联交易,落实公司整体的发展战略与目标,拟以自有资金收购露笑集团有限公司(以下简称“露笑集团”)持有的浙江露笑光电有限公司(以下简称“露笑光电”)100%股权。露笑集团为公司控股股东,本次事项构成关联交易。 公司于 2020 年 4 月 17 日召开第四届董事会第四十一次会议,审议通过了 《关于签署股权收购协议暨关联交易的议案》。同日,公司与露笑集团签署了《股权收购协议》。根据北京中企华资产评估有限责任公司出具的中企华评报字 (2020)第 3279 号《资产评估报告》,露笑光电截止 2019 年 12 月 31 日的评估 1、 此事项需经公司股东大会审议通过; 2、 露笑光电解除为露笑集团提供的抵押担保。 本次事项构成关联交易,不构成《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》规定的重大资产重组。关联董事鲁永先生回避表决,独立董事对上述关联交易事项进行了事前认可并发表了独立意见。根据《深交所股票上市规则》和《公司授权管理制度》的相关规定,本次交易需提交公司股东大会审议,与该关联交易有利害关系的关联人将放弃在股东大会上对该议案的投票权。

  • 估值错误处理 1. 当基金份额净值小数点后4位以内(含第4位)发生估值错误时,视为基金份额净值错误。基金份额净值计算出现错误时,基金管理人应当立即予以纠正,通报基金托管人,并采取合理的措施防止损失进一步扩大。错误偏差达到基金份额净值的0.25%时,基金管理人应当通报基金托管人并报中国证监会备案;错误偏差达到基金份额净值的0.5%时,基金管理人应当公告,并报中国证监会备案。当发生净值计算错误时,由基金管理人负责处理,由此给基金份额持有人和基金造成损失的,按照基金合同和本协议约定的估值错误处理原则和程序进行处理。 2. 当因基金管理人和基金托管人原因致使基金份额净值计算差错给基金和基金份额持有人造成损失需要进行赔偿时,基金管理人和基金托管人应根据实际情况界定双方承担的责任,经确认后按以下条款进行赔偿: (1) 本基金的基金会计责任方由基金管理人担任,与本基金有关的会计问题,如经双方在平等基础上充分讨论后,尚不能达成一致时,按基金管理人的建议执行,由此给基金份额持有人和基金财产造成的直接损失,由基金管理人负责赔付。 (2) 如基金管理人和基金托管人对基金份额净值的计算结果,虽然多次重新计算和核对,尚不能达成一致时,为避免不能按时公布基金份额净值的情形,以基金管理人的计算结果对外公布,由此给基金份额持有人和基金造成的直接损失,由基金管理人负责赔付。 (3) 由于基金管理人提供的信息错误(包括但不限于基金申购或赎回金额等),导致基金份额净值计算错误而引起的基金份额持有人和基金财产的损失,由基金管理人负责赔付。 3. 由于不可抗力原因,或证券交易所或登记结算公司等机构发送的数据错误原因,基金管理人和基金托管人虽然已经采取必要、适当、合理的措施进行检查,但未能发现错误的,由此造成的基金资产估值错误,基金管理人和基金托管人免除赔偿责任。但基金管理人和基金托管人应积极采取必要的措施消除或减轻由此造成的影响。

  • 用户需求书 说明: 1. 响应供应商须对本项目进行整体响应,任何只对其中一部分进行的响应都被视为无效响应。