Liability for breach of the contract 样本条款

Liability for breach of the contract. 8.1 Exemptions In the event that the contract can not be performed due to an actual, constructive or compromised total loss of the vessel caused by earthquake, fire, tsunami, outbreak of war, expropriating by government or force majeure which occurred before the delivery, neither the Sellers nor the Buyers shall be responsible for cancelling the contract. If the Buyers have paid part or full purchase price of the vessel, such payment shall be refunded immediately by the Sellers without interest. 8.2 Liability of the Buyers for breach of contract 8.2.1 Deposit not be paid in accordance with the contract In case the deposit is not paid in the time stipulated by the contract, the Sellers have the right to cancel this contract by informing the Buyers in writing, in which case the Sellers shall be entitled to claim compensation from the Buyers for any proved loss and expenses. 8.2.2 The balance purchase price unpaid in accordance with the contract In case the Balance Purchase Price is not paid in the manner provided for in this contract, the Sellers have the right to cancel the contract and forfeit the prepaid deposit. If the deposit does not cover their loss, the Sellers shall be entitled to claim further compensation for their proved losses. The Buyers shall pay the further compensation within banking day(s) after the cancelling of the contract. If the Sellers' loss and damage are less than the deposit, the rest of the amount shall be refunded within banking day(s) to the Buyers. 8.3 Liability of the Sellers for breach of contract 8.3.1 Fail to deliver the vessel in accordance with this contract In case the Sellers do not get ready to deliver the vessel in accordance with this contract, the Buyers shall have the option to cancel this contract by notice in writing. In the event the Sellers shall refund the deposit together with the interest earned therefrom in three (3) banking days after the Sellers receive the notice in writing from the Buyers. Cancellation or non-cancellation by the Buyers in accordance with the contract shall be without prejudice to any claim for loss and / or damage the Buyers may have against the Sellers under this contract, unless the exemptions clause shall apply. 8.3.2 Delayed delivery If the Sellers anticipate that the vessel will not be ready for delivery by the Cancelling Date, they may notify the Buyers in writing stating the date when they anticipate that the vessel will be ready for delivery, and propose a new cancelling date. U...

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