Loading Route and Dock 样本条款

Loading Route and Dock. The height limit of the loading route and service road is 2.4 meter. Should there be any movement of vehicles must be in compliance with the height limit to gain access without causing any damage to structural, mechanical and electrical services. The organizer shall not use the loading dock for the storage/staging of goods or for any other purpose other than for the prompt loading and unloading of goods. All the necessary unloading or loading of items from or to individual vehicles shall be carried out at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Loading Dock. The carting of goods shall only be routed to or from the Centre and the exhibition halls. No personal or company’s vehicle that is not loading or unloading is allowed to xxxx at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre Loading Dock. Air balloons are allowed as give-away to patrons only within the venue and can used as decoration within the venue. Helium-filled balloons are not allowed in the centre. Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre is a non-smoking venue. Smoking is also strictly NOT allowed during the moving in or moving out periods at all area of the venue. 马来西亚天气和气候。马来西亚全年享受热带气候,但由于靠海,气候通常非常潮湿。尽管如此,天气从未过热,全年平均温度从 20°C 到 30°C;然而,高地的温度更低。 Malaysia enjoys tropical weather year-round however due to its proximity to water the climate is often quite humid. Despite this, the weather is never too hot and temperatures range from a mild 20°C to 30°C average throughout the year; however, the highlands experience cooler temperatures.

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