ON-LINE TRADING PLATFORM. 14.1 The Company offers the internet base on-line trading platform to the Client and in using such on-line trading platform, the Client hereby agrees that:- (a) The Company shall not be responsible for delays in the transmission of the orders due to a breakdown or failure of transmission or communication facilities, electrical power outage or failure or for any other causes which are beyond the Company’s reasonable control or anticipation. (b) The Company shall not be liable for any of the Client’s losses or damages arising from the default of any agent or any other counterparty of the Company under this Agreement save and except for the gross negligence or willful default on the part of the Company. 14.2 The Client using the online trading platform shall keep his password confidential to prevent any unauthorized third party from getting access to trading facilities for his account. The Client hereby agrees to be fully responsible for any Contract entered into by the Company based on any instruction received by the Company electronically and which is identified with the Client’s password and account number and for any electronic, oral or written instruction to the Company from any person whom the Company, in its sole judgment, believes in good faith that such person is the Client or his authorized agent or representative. The Company shall under no obligation to make further inquiry into such apparent authority and shall assume no liability for the consequences of any actions taken or failed to be taken by the Company in reliance on any such instruction or on the apparent authority or identity of any such person. 14.3 Should price quoting and or on-line trading execution errors occur, which may include but not limited to any dealer's mistype of a quote, a quote or trade which does not represent the fair market prices, an erroneous price quote from a Client including but not limited to a wrong figure quote or an erroneous quote due to failure of hardware, software or communication lines or systems and/or inaccurate external data provided by third-party vendors, the Company shall not be liable for any of the errors resulting in the errors in account balances. In addition, order must be placed allowing sufficient time to execute, as well as, sufficient time for the system to calculate necessary margin requirement. The Company shall not be liable for the margin alert, balance, and/or position in the account resulting from orders placed out of the prescribed ti...


  • IVD 血液 (血清/血漿) 陰性/陽性/不確定

  • Point PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声 PFS事業を実施した地方公共団体職員の声

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 机构投资者 指依法可以投资证券投资基金的、在中华人民共和国境内合法登记并存续或经有关政府部门批准设立并存续的企业法人、事业法人、社会团体或其他组织

  • 墜機、沉船、交通中斷或道路、港口冰封 罷工、勞資糾紛或民眾非理性之聚眾抗爭。

  • 工程总承包项目经理 工程总承包项目经理: 。

  • 前目訂有損害賠償金額上限者,於法令另有規定(例如民法第 227 條 第 2 項之加害給付損害賠償),或一方故意隱瞞工作之瑕疵、故意或重大過失行為,或對第三人發生侵權行為,對他方所造成之損害賠償,不受賠償金額上限之限制。

  • 明确所投标的的产品品牌、规格型号或服务内容或工程量; 2.投标文件应当对招标文件提 出的要求和条件作出明确响应并满足招标文件全部实质性要求 其他要求 招标文件要求的其他无效投标情形;围标、串标和法律法规规定的其它无效投标条款。且进 行签署、盖章。 双鸭山市主城区排水管网普查、管网检测及GIS系统搭建项目 1. 业务需求理解及综合分析程度,包括对系统现状、应用环境、体系结构需求、功能需求、性能要求和实施要求等内容(5分);

  • 董事会秘书 董事会设董事会秘书。董事会秘书是公司高级管理人员,对董事会负责。

  • 关于中小企业投标 ①中小企业投标是指符合《中小企业划型标准规定》的投标人,通过投标提供本企业制造的货物、承担的工程或者服务,或者提供其他中小微企业制造的货物。本项所指货物不包括使用大型企业注册商标的货物。中小企业投标应提供《中小企业声明函》;提供其他中小企业制造的货物的,应同时提供制造商的《中小企业声明函(制造商)》,并对声明的真实性负责。中小企业划分见《关于印发中小企业划型标准规定的通知》(工信部联企业〔2011〕300号) 。