Party B 样本条款

Party B. (cachet) 法定代表人: Representative: 联系人: Contact person: 地址:
Party B. 为共同制止商业贿赂行为、维护各自及双方在商业合作过程中共同的合法权益,经友好协商,达成如下反商业贿赂协议,以资双方信守履行。甲乙双方于年月日签订此协议,本协议除非一方或双方提出中止,否则长期有效。
Party B. Principal Investigator: Prof. Xxxx Xxx E-mail:
Party B. 为保证双方合作公平公正、合法合规,乙方自愿签署廉洁合作承诺书,向甲方郑重承诺如下:
Party B. (signature):
Party B. 资质等级及服务区域: Qualification level and service area:住所地: Domicile: 法定代表人: Legal representative: 联系人: Contact person: 通讯地址: Correspondence address: 电话: 传真: Telephone: Fax:
Party B. 說明 Recitals 甲方於2004年擔任江博先進科技股份有限公司負責人期間,經由董事會及公司經營團隊於2009年進行投資達人企管顧問股份有限公司投資案會議,於會議決議第四點第三項中提到「本人鄧維原將確保投資的本金不可以虧損,若投資發生虧損時本人鄧維原將全權負責賠償給全體股東。」本人承諾若投資案讓公司受損害時本人將負起賠償投資款項之責任,投資至今已達8年未果,本人將實現承諾負起償還投資款項之責任。
Party B cash ______________Yuan machines and equipment ____________Yuan industrial property __________Yuan others _____________Yuan, ___________Yuan in all. (Note: When contributing industrial property as investment, Party A and Party B shall conclude a separate contract to be a part of this main contract). Article 12 The right to the use of site contributed by Party A shall be for the use of the cooperative venture company within _______________days after the approval of the contract. The cash contributed by Party B shall be paid in_______________ installment. Each installment shall be as follows: (Note: it shall be written according to the concrete conditions). Article 13 The machines and equipment contributed by Party B as investment shall meet the needs of the cooperative venture company, and shall be carried to the Chinese port_________ days before the completion of the premises construction. Chapter 6 Responsibilities of Each Party to the Joint Venture Article 14 Party A and Party B shall be respectively responsible for the following matters: Responsibilities of Party A: Handling of applications for approval, registration, business license and other matters concerning the establishment of the cooperative venture company from relevant departments in charge of China;
Party B. Taipei National University of the Arts Principal:Ju, Xxxxx-Xxxxx Address:No.1 Xxxxx-Xxxx Xx. Peitou. Taipei 112, Taiwan. R.O.C Representative:Xxx, Xxx-Xxxxx