Personal Data 样本条款

Personal Data. The Customer acknowledges and agrees that he has noted and will note the content of a notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance issued by the Bank (the "Notice", including the same as from time to time may be updated or varied by the Bank) and on display in the Bank's banking halls and agrees that it is necessary to supply the Bank with data in connection with the opening or continuation of the Bank Account(s) or the Service(s). The Customer further authorizes the Bank to use his data for the purposes set out in the Notice and such other purposes directly or indirectly relating to any transaction and other matter in connection with any Bank Account or (as the case may be) any Service. The Customer notes that data held by the Bank will be kept confidential but permits the Bank to provide such information to the persons listed in the Notice or any other person(s) (including debt collecting agent(s)) for the purposes set out in the Notice or in compliance with any laws, regulations or directions affecting or binding on the Bank or its branches.
Personal Data. The Borrower confirms that he/she has received and read the Bank’s “Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance”(copy of which is available on request by the Borrower, or the Borrower can obtain it from all the branches of the Bank or from the Bank’s website and agree to the use of his/her personal data by the Bank in the manners and for the purposes set out in that notice. The Borrower is entitled to request access to his/her information held by the Bank and to update and correct such information whenever necessary. The Bank may charge a reasonable fee for such access or correction. Such requests should be made in writing to the Bank’s Data Protection Officer at Bank of Communications (Hong Kong) Limited, 20 Pedder Street, Central, Hong Kong.
Personal Data. (if applicable) MKT_E_096_1122E (a) In addition to the operational and business requirements of the Company and any of its branch, subsidiary, holding company, associated company or aÆliate, or such other entities which are connected to the Company directly or indirectly by way of shareholding, management or otherwise, the Borrower agrees (or procures the agreement of its relevant staffers) that the personal data of the Borrower (or its relevant staffers) may also be collected and used for designing and marketing of related products and services, conducting credit assessments, matching procedures or data processing, providing any service on behalf of the Company to the Borrower by any service provider, enforcing any rights under the loans by lawyers and debt collectors and processing customer information by computer firms and others, and that the same will be disclosed as required by laws or regulations. Such data may be provided to, whether in/outside Hong Kong, the staff of the Company or any of its branch, subsidiary, holding company, associated company or aÆliate, or such other entities which are connected to the Company directly or indirectly by way of shareholding, management or otherwise and service providers and other parties in connection with its financial services and other financial institutions and banks and credit reference agency(ies) and other outside party for the purposes aforementioned. Further, the Borrower acknowledges to have received a “Notice to Customers and Other Individuals relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance” and agrees to terms and conditions thereof. (b) The termination of the Facilities shall not affect or terminate the Borrower’s (or its relevant staffers’) consent to disclose or use the personal data in the Company’s possession at the time of termination. The Borrower undertakes to immediately notify the Company in writing of any change of the Borrower’s (or its relevant staffers’) personal data or other information produced to the Company.
Personal Data. The Client may from time to time be requested by the GTJAF to supply personal data relating to the Client. GTJAF may use the Client’s personal data for the purposes stipulated inThe Client acknowledges it has read, understood and agreed with the content of GTJAF’s Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”), which has been provided to the Client and is posted on GTJAF’s website ( The Client acknowledges he or she has read and understand the content of the PICS. The Client agrees that GTJAF may:

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  • CA数字证书办理联系电话 000-0000-000或000-00000000。 电子签章办理联系电话:000-00000000。

  • 关联交易 是指公司或者控股子公司与公司关联人发生的转移资源或义务的事项,包括但不限于下列事项: (一) 购买或者出售资产;

  • pdf 16.3 投标人应使用投标文件编制工具编制投标文件。并使用数字证书(CA)对投标文件进行加密、签名。电子交易系统不接收潜在投标人未按规定使用数字证书(CA)加密、签名的投标文件。潜在投标人在投标截止时间前可以对投标文件进行补充、修 改或者撤回。 16.4 投标人须在投标文件递交截止时间前制作并提交:加密的电子投标文件为“河北省公共资源交易平台 (xxxx://”网站提供的“投标文件制作工具”软件制作生成的加密版投标文件。 16.5 招标文件格式所要求包含的全部资料应全部制作在投标文件内,严格按照本项目招标文件所有格式如实填写(不涉及的内容除外),不应存在漏项或缺项,否则将存在投标文件被拒绝的风险。 16.6 投标人编辑电子投标文件时,根据招标文件要求用法人 CA 密钥和企业 CA 密钥进行签章制作;最后一步生成电子投标文件(*.hetf 格式)时,只能用本单位的企业 CA 密钥加密。

  • 关联交易的主要内容 甲方:天津长荣科技集团股份有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)乙方:天津小蜜蜂物业管理有限公司(以下简称“乙方”)

  • 估值对象 基金所拥有的股票、权证、债券和银行存款本息、应收款项、其它投资等资产及负债。

  • 利用の制限 当社は、天災、事変その他の非常事態が発生し、又は発生するおそれがあるときには、災害の予防若しくは救援、交通、通信若しくは電力の供給の確保又は秩序の維持のために必要な事項を内容とする通信、又は公共の利益のために緊急を要する通信を優先的に取り扱うため、本サービスの利用を制限することがあります。 (本サービス提供の終了)

  • 关联交易协议的主要内容 关联租赁业务均根据双方生产经营实际需要进行,平等协商后逐笔签署具体合同,未签订总的关联交易协议,协议的签订遵循平等、自愿、等价、有偿的原则,协议内容明确、具体。不存在损害公司及全体股东尤其是中小股东利益的情况。

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