STATEMENTS AND CONFIRMATIONS. 6.1 We will send a Confirmation to you in respect of each Contract concluded.
STATEMENTS AND CONFIRMATIONS. 11.1 You are required to examine and verify the correctness and accuracy of each and every entry in any advice, statement or confirmation issued by us to you in relation to any transactions and/or the incidental matters and to notify us immediately in writing of any entry which you consider wrongful, irregular and/or unauthorized. All the entries demonstrated in such advice, statement or confirmation are treated as correct, regular and authorized unless we shall have actually received the notice to dispute accuracy, regularity or authority within 90 days of the date of issuance of the advice, statement or confirmation.
STATEMENTS AND CONFIRMATIONS. Confirmation of trades will be made online as the trades are executed and should immediately be reflected in the Customer’s trading platform, including but not limited to, DTC Margin Monitor, DTC Open Positions window, DTC Spot Book, Account Statement Report and Trade History Report. Trades done over the telephone will be executed for the Customer’s Account on their behalf and also be reflected online in the DTC Margin Monitor, DTC Open Positions Window, DTC Spot Book, Account Statement Report and in their trade history report. Reports and all online position windows and statements of Accounts for Customer shall be deemed correct and shall be conclusive and binding upon Customer if not objected to by telephone immediately upon receipt and such objection is confirmed in writing within one (1) DTC business day after the transmission to Customer or if DTC does not change the confirmed execution price and details. DTC reserves the right to change confirmed rates, prices or trade details of executed and confirmed deals if DTC determines that the electronic or verbal price or details from that deal were executed in error. Margin calls or trade corrections shall be conclusive and binding unless objected to immediately by telephone or email. Failure to object shall be deemed ratification of all actions taken by DTC, or DTC’s agents prior to Customer’s receipt of said reports. Trades executed online will be confirmed online at the time of the trade and trades entered into by telephone will be confirmed verbally and online by the end of the DTC business day. Pending Orders or trades executed while the Customer is offline will be reflected in the Customers DTC Open Position window, in the DTC Margin Monitor, Account Statement Report and in their Trade History Report upon re logging into the DTC application or such other platform as DTC shall provide. Customer’s Account statements will be available online in the Reports section of the DTC Internet Trading Platform and Customer monthly statements will be available by e-mail, fax and/or mail. Customer’s failure to receive a trade confirmation shall not relieve Customer of the obligation to object as set out herein. Customer understands and acknowledges that oral information provided by DTC to Customer regarding confirmations of trades and statements of Account may be unverified and incomplete due to delays in transmission and other factors beyond DTC’s reasonable control. Customer therefore acknowledges and agrees that ...
STATEMENTS AND CONFIRMATIONS. 10.1 You are required to examine and verify the correctness and accuracy of each and every entry in any advice, statement or confirmation issued by us to you in relation to any transactions and/or the incidental matters and to notify us immediately in writing of any entry which you consider wrongful, irregular and/or unauthorized. All the entries demonstrated in such advice, statement or confirmation are treated as correct, regular and authorized unless we shall have actually received the notice to dispute accuracy, regularity or authority within 7 days of the date of issuance of the advice, statement or confirmation or such period as prescribed by us.


  • pdf 16.3 投标人应使用投标文件编制工具编制投标文件。并使用数字证书(CA)对投标文件进行加密、签名。电子交易系统不接收潜在投标人未按规定使用数字证书(CA)加密、签名的投标文件。潜在投标人在投标截止时间前可以对投标文件进行补充、修改或者撤回。

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/

  • 配置清单 序号 货号 名称(中英文) 型号规格 数量 单位 备注 (配置清单内容与协议书附件一致)

  • 评标标准 本项目采用综合评分法,评分统计方法采用百分制(满分 100 分),将全部评委评分直 接进行算术平均,小数点后保留 2 位。按评审后得分由高到低顺序排列,得分相同的,按投标报价由低到高顺序排列;得分且投标报价相同的,按技术指标优劣顺序排列,由评标委员会确定中标供应商。

  • 关联方关系介绍 本次交易对手方为易伟华先生,截至本公告披露日,易伟华先生直接持股比例为 27.45%,加上其一致行动人新余市沃德投资合伙企业(有限合伙)持有公司 4.71%的股份,公司控股股东、实际控制人易伟华先生拥有的控制权比例为 32.16%。易伟华先生为公司控股股东、实际控制人,属于公司关联方。

  • V= ―――――――――― 100 (備 考) V は、16(13)の規定により算定するガス量 V1は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによるガス量 A は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによる速動又は遅動の割合(パーセント) (別表第9)2.5 キロパスカルを超える圧力で供給する場合のガス量の算式 V1×(101.325+P) V= ―――――――――――――― 101.325+0.981 (備 考) V は、16(16)の規定により算定するガス量 P は、2.5 キロパスカルを超えて供給する圧力 V1は、ガスメーターの検針量

  • 正常情况下当日交易结算报告的发送时间应在交易日当日的 17:00 之前 因交易所原因而造成数据延迟发送的,基金管理人应及时通知基金托管人,并在恢复后告知期货公司立即发送至基金托管人,并电话确认数据接收状况。若期货公司发送的期货数据有误,重新向基金管理人、基金托管人发送的,基金管理人应责成期货公司在发送新的期货数据后立即通知基金托管人,并电话确认数据接收状况。

  • 契約条項を示す場所 神奈川県横浜市中区海岸通1-1 横浜税関総務部会計課用度係

  • 无有效行驶证 指下列任何情形:(1)未取得行驶证;(2)机动车被依法注销登记的;(3)未依法按时进行或通过机动车安 全技术检验。

  • 基金费用的种类”中第 4-10 项费用,根据有关法规及相应协议规定 按费用实际支出金额列入当期费用,由基金托管人从基金财产中支付。