Third-Party Software or Service 样本条款

Third-Party Software or Service. The Licensed Software may use or include any software or service provided by a third party (“the Services”). The Services are included for your convenience with due authorization of such third party.
Third-Party Software or Service. The Licensed Software may use or include any software or service provided by a third party (“the Services”). The Services are included for your convenience with due authorization of such third party. • In the case that Xxxxxx uses the Services provided by a third party, as such third party is the provider of the Services, you shall separately enter into a service agreement with such third party, pay relevant fees and undertake potential risks before and during using the Services. You shall understand that Xxxxxx has no right to grant you any right to use the Services hereunder or make any warranty for the Services in any form. Danqoo is not able to provide customer support for the Services . If you need support, you may directly contact such third party. In case of any dispute arising from your use of the Services, you may directly consult with such third party for settlement. • You understand that the Licensed Software only uses or includes the Services for the time being. Danqoo does not undertake that the Licensed Software will permanentl y use or include the Services, or the Licensed Software will not use or include any software or service of the same or different type of such third party or any other third party in the future. Once Danqoo uses or includes the aforesaid software or service in the Licensed Software, this Article 4 shall also apply.

Related to Third-Party Software or Service

  • URL xxxx://xxx.xxxx-xxxxxxxx.xx.xx/

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  • 〇八条 董事会行使下列职权:

  • 关联交易的主要内容 1、关联交易协议签署时间:本协议尚未签署。

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  • 保证责任的情形及保证金额 (一)在投标(响应)人出现下列情形之一时,我方承担保证责任:

  • 关联交易协议的主要内容 关联租赁业务均根据双方生产经营实际需要进行,平等协商后逐笔签署具体合同,未签订总的关联交易协议,协议的签订遵循平等、自愿、等价、有偿的原则,协议内容明确、具体。不存在损害公司及全体股东尤其是中小股东利益的情况。

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  • 关联交易的定价政策及定价依据 本次关联交易价格,由双方遵循公开、公平、公正的市场交易原则,在参照市场价格的基础上,经双方平等协商确定。