Usage 样本条款

Usage. 7.1. You acknowledge that charges will be incurred when the service is used. It is therefore important that you take steps to ensure that such usage does not occur without your authorisation. You should ensure that you are in control of devices that might make use of your services, such as computers, handsets, mobile phones, and wireless devices connected to your service and that third parties cannot access or use such equipment without your authority. You acknowledge that usage of some services can occur because of an infection of your computer with a virus or due to other unauthorised third party intrusions. You should ensure that you have appropriate protection systems operating on your equipment to restrict or limit the possibility of unauthorised usage. 7.2. As we are not able to control access or usage of your handsets and other equipment, you are responsible for all usage charges in respect of the use of the service, whether or not such usage was authorised by you, unless the usage was caused by a mistake by us. 7.3. You are not permitted to authorise a third party to use your service without direct supervision and/or written authorisation by us. 7.4. You acknowledge that we cannot be held responsible for any loss incurred by you because of faults and/or failures within a third party carrier's network infrastructure. 7.5. While we will use our best endeavors in providing the service, you use it at your own risk. Even if you lose some equipment or permit another person to use your service, you are solely responsible for its use including: (a) The calls made and messages sent;; (b) The sites and content accessed;; (c) The content or software downloaded and the effect it may have on your equipment or service;; (d) The products and services purchased;; (e) The information provided to others;; (f) The installation or use of any equipment or software whether provided by us or not;; (g) The modification of any settings or data on your service or related services or equipment whether instructed by us or not;; (h) The personal supervision of any users under the age of 18 who use the service;; and (i) The lawfulness of your activities when using the service and accessing any sites and third party content. 7.6. The service is provided to you on the basis that it is used only for approved purposes. In particular you must: (a) Not use the service in any manner involving illegal, malicious, deceptive or misleading activity;; (b) Not breach any standards, content ...
Usage. During each Subscription Year that You hold a Subscription Plan, You are entitled to receive such volume of TAC Allocations as reasonably required by You. You may open and submit a TAC Application at any time, but may not exceed a maximum of fifty Open TAC Applications at any one time. During Your Subscription Year, You are also entitled to use the Reserved TAC feature as set out in Schedule 2.
Usage pg_ctl init[db] [-D DATADIR] [-s] [-o OPTIONS] pg_ctl start [-D DATADIR] [-l FILENAME] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] [-o OPTIONS] [-p PATH] [-c] pg_ctl stop [-D DATADIR] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] pg_ctl restart [-D DATADIR] [-m SHUTDOWN-MODE] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] [-o OPTIONS] [-c] pg_ctl reload [-D DATADIR] [-s] pg_ctl status [-D DATADIR] pg_ctl promote [-D DATADIR] [-W] [-t SECS] [-s] pg_ctl logrotate [-D DATADIR] [-s] pg_ctl kill SIGNALNAME PID

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