Variation and Termination 样本条款

Variation and Termination a. The Bank may, at any time, without giving notice or reason suspend or terminate all or any of the Services or their use by the Customer and, where applicable, the Authorised e-Banking User.
Variation and Termination a. Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, the Bank may, at any time, suspend or terminate all or any of the Business e-Banking or their use by the Customer or the Authorized Users. In the event that the Bank has levied any charge to the Customer which is specifically expressed to be for a particular service which is not available (which for the avoidance of doubt shall not mean any periodic fee charged for the Business e-Banking as a whole) then the Bank will reimburse the Customer this sum. Other than reimbursing any sum as set out above, the Bank will have no further liability to the Customer.

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  • pdf 16.3 投标人应使用投标文件编制工具编制投标文件。并使用数字证书(CA)对投标文件进行加密、签名。电子交易系统不接收潜在投标人未按规定使用数字证书(CA)加密、签名的投标文件。潜在投标人在投标截止时间前可以对投标文件进行补充、修改或者撤回。

  • 网上开标程序 1.1主持人按下列程序进行开标:

  • 契約条件 契約書及び仕様書その他一切貴庁の指示のとおりとする。

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