Variation and Termination 样本条款

Variation and Termination a. The Bank may, at any time, without giving notice or reason suspend or terminate all or any of the Services or their use by the Customer and, where applicable, the Authorised e-Banking User. b. The Customer may terminate the use of the Services at time by giving to the Bank not less than five working days’ prior written notice. c. All provisions of these Terms and Conditions which in order to give effect to their meaning need to survive the suspension or termination of the Services and/or the use of the Services shall remain in full force and effect after suspension or termination including, without limitation, Clauses 3(b), 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Notwithstanding such suspension or termination, the Customer and, where applicable, the Authorised e-Banking User shall continue to be bound by these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they relate to any obligations or liabilities which remain to be performed or discharged.
Variation and Termination a. Subject to the applicable laws and regulations, the Bank may, at any time, suspend or terminate all or any of the Business e-Banking or their use by the Customer or the Authorized Users. In the event that the Bank has levied any charge to the Customer which is specifically expressed to be for a particular service which is not available (which for the avoidance of doubt shall not mean any periodic fee charged for the Business e-Banking as a whole) then the Bank will reimburse the Customer this sum. Other than reimbursing any sum as set out above, the Bank will have no further liability to the Customer. b. Without prejudice to other terms specified herein, in the event of any of the followings, the Bank may, in its absolute discretion (but not the Bank’s obligation) and without liability, stop the use of the Business e-Banking by the Customer and the Authorized Users without prior notice to or approval from the Customer: i. the Customer makes an unlawful profits or damages to the others due to the system errors or breakdown of the Business e-Banking; ii. using the Business e-Banking for illegal transactions or for unlawful purposes; iii. in the Bank’s opinion the Business e-Banking is possibly used by third parties in the fake entity of the Customer. c. The Customer may terminate the use of the Business e-Banking at time by giving to the Bank not less than five working days’ prior written notice. d. All provisions of these Terms and Conditions which in order to give effect to their meaning need to survive the suspension or termination of the Business e-Banking and/or the use of the Business e-Banking shall remain in full force and effect after suspension or termination including, without limitation, Clauses 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. Notwithstanding such suspension or termination, the Customer shall continue to be bound by these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they relate to any obligations or liabilities which remain to be performed or discharged.
Variation and Termination a. The Bank has the right to modify, suspend or terminate all or any of the Services or their use by the Customer and, where applicable, the Authorised e-Banking User to facilitate the Bank’s business development. Before the above mentioned change (unless the change is beyond the Bank’s control), the Bank shall notify the Customer through appropriate channels like our official website, e-Banking channel or branches etc. b. The Customer may terminate the use of the Services at time by giving to the Bank not less than five working days’ prior written notice. CNX136-R6 (YX) 12-14 12/22E c. All provisions of these Terms and Conditions which in order to give effect to their meaning need to survive the suspension or termination of the Services and/or the use of the Services shall remain in full force and effect after suspension or termination including, without limitation, Clauses 3(b), 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Notwithstanding such suspension or termination, the Customer d, where applicable, the Authorised e-Banking User shall continue to be bound by these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they relate to any obligations or liabilities which remain to be performed or discharged.
Variation and Termination a. The Bank may, at any time, without giving notice or reason suspend or terminate all or any of the Services or their use by the Customer and, where applicable, the Authorised e-Banking User. b. The Customer may terminate the use of the Services at time by giving to the Bank not less than five working days’ prior written notice. CNX136-R4 (YX) 12-14 12/18E c. All provisions of these Terms and Conditions which in order to give effect to their meaning need to survive the suspension or termination of the Services and/or the use of the Services shall remain in full force and effect after suspension or termination including, without limitation, Clauses 3(b), 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Notwithstanding such suspension or termination, the Customer and, where applicable, the Authorised e-Banking User shall continue to be bound by these Terms and Conditions to the extent that they relate to any obligations or liabilities which remain to be performed or discharged.

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