Xxxxxxx は、以下の唯一のライセンシーまたは所有者 样本条款

Xxxxxxx は、以下の唯一のライセンシーまたは所有者. 保持者であり続ける。 10.1.1. 本商品または本サービスに関するすべての知的財産 10.1.2. 契約等の履行に関連して創出される知的財産 10.2. 本契約において明示する場合を除き、本約款は、直接にも間接にも、特許権、発明、商標権、発見、著作権その他Sandvik が保有し、創出し、または Sandvik が使用を許諾することができる知的財産に関し使用許諾を与えない。 manufacturer of the Goods. No other warranties express or implied are given unless they are expressly given by Xxxxxxx in writing. 8.4. To the extent that Sandvik is unable by law to exclude its liability, Sandvik’s obligations under this Clause 8 shall be limited at Sandvik’s option to making good by repair or replacement of any Goods in which any defect appears or in the case of Services the cost of providing the Services again. Any warranty claim must be notified in writing by the Customer to Sandvik within the applicable warranty period. 9. Privacy Authority 9.1. Where the Customer applies for credit with Xxxxxxx, the Customer agrees and authorises Xxxxxxx to make such enquiries as Sandvik deems necessary to assess the Customer’s application for credit. The Customer further agrees and authorises Xxxxxxx to the extent permitted by law to provide any items of personal information described in the Data Protection Legislation to a credit reporting agency and give credit worthiness information about the Customer to a person for considering whether to act as a guarantor or to a guarantor. 9.2. The parties must each comply with Data Protection Legislation in relation to personal information (including as such legislation may change from time to time). Xxxxxxx’x policies may be published on any medium (including online) and will otherwise be made available by Sandvik to the Customer upon receipt of a reasonable request. 10. Intellectual Property 10.1.