免除损害赔偿责任 样本条款

免除损害赔偿责任. 结合 CISG 第 79 条第 5 款规定,“本条规定不妨碍任何一方行使本公约规定的要求损害赔偿以外的任何权利”可以得知,受不可抗力影响的一方,免除的是不能履行合同的违约责任。例如,如果不履行义务导致合同目的不能实现,守约一方仍然可以根据第 49 条25、第 64 条26解除合同27。 25 Article 49 (1) The buyer may declare the contract avoided: (a) if the failure by the seller to perform any of his obligations under the contract or this Convention amounts to a fundamental breach of contract; or (b) in case of non-delivery, if the seller does not deliver the goods within the additional period of time fixed by the buyer in accordance with paragraph (1) of article 47 or declares that he will not deliver within the period so fixed. (2) However, in cases where the seller has delivered the goods, the buyer loses the right to declare the contract avoided unless he does so: (a) in respect of late delivery, within a reasonable time after he has become aware that delivery has been made; (b) in respect of any breach other than late delivery, within a reasonable time: (i) after he knew or ought to have known of the breach; (ii) after the expiration of any additional period of time fixed by the buyer in accordance with paragraph (1) of article 47, or after the seller has declared that he will not perform his obligations within such an additional period; or (iii) after the expiration of any additional period of time indicated by the seller in accordance with paragraph (2) of article 48, or after the buyer has declared that he will not accept performance. 26 Article 64

Related to 免除损害赔偿责任

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  • 信息披露内容 投资者可以从理财产品销售文件和产品信息公告中获取产品相关信息。产品信息公告包括发行公告、重大事项公告、定期报告、到期公告和临时公告等。

  • 安全责任 在安装过程中的一切安全事故,由乙方自行负责,与甲方无任何关系。

  • 区分 内容 選択特例措置1 当該契約に対する光ネットサービスの提供開始日を含む92日間を 無償とします。 選択特例措置2 当該契約に対する光ネットサービスの提供開始日を含む61日間を無償とします。 また、当社が別に定めるおまかせ訪問ダブルサポートの基本メニュー 1若しくは基本メニュー2のどちらか一方を1回の提供に限り無償とします。

  • 合作协议的主要内容 甲方:国网湖北省电力有限公司宜昌供电公司乙方:湖北宜昌交运集团股份有限公司

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  • 爭議處理小組就爭議所為之決議 除任一方於收受決議後 14 日內以書面向召集委員及他方表示異議外,視為協調成立,有契約之拘束力。惟涉及改變契約內容者,雙方應先辦理契約變更。如有爭議,得再循爭議處理程序辦理。