声明和保证 Representations and Warranties 样本条款
声明和保证 Representations and Warranties. 客户声明、保证和承诺: The Customer represents, warrants and undertakes that:
18.1 根据本协议提供的客户相关资料乃真实、准确及完整,及本公司有权依赖该等数据,直至本公司收到客户就资料变更发出的书面通知为止。如该等资料有重大变更,本公司应实时获得书面通知; The information relating to the Customer provided pursuant to this Agreement is true, accurate and complete and the Company is entitled to rely on such information until the Company has received notice in writing from the Customer of any changes therein. The Company will be notified immediately in writing of any material changes in such information;
18.2 客户具有权力和法律身份签订本协议及履行本协议下的责任,并且本协议构成客户有效及具有法律约束力的责任;及 The Customer has the authority and legal capacity to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement and this Agreement constitutes the valid and legally binding obligations of the Customer; and