转 让 Assignment 样本条款

转 让 Assignment. 客户同意,本公司可以将本协议下的权利和义务转让给联营公司,而毋须客户事先同意。未经本公司事 先书面同意,客户在本协议下的权利和义务不得转让或更替(视乎情况而定)。 The Customer agrees that the Company may transfer its rights and obligations under this Agreement to an Associate without prior consent from the Customer. The rights and obligations of the Customer under this Agreement may not be assigned or novated (as the case may be) without the Company’s prior written consent.
转 让 Assignment. 银行可在任何时候通过向客户发出转让通知的方式,将其在本条款和条件项下的权利和/或义务转让给任何司法区域(本国或外国)内的任何其他实体/人士,客户同意该等转让通知可以银行自主酌情决定的任何书面形式作出,且该等转让无需另行取得客户的同意或批准。尽管有该等转让,本条款和条件将对客户继续有效,客户同意受并继续受本条款和条件的约束。未经银行书面同意,客户不得将其在本条款和条件项下的权利和/或义务转让给任何其他实体/人士。 The Bank may at any time assign or transfer any of its rights and/or obligations under these Terms and Conditions to any other entity/person in any jurisdiction, domestic or foreign, by giving a notice of the assignment or transfer to the Customer. The Customer agrees that the notice of assignment or transfer may be in any written form at the sole discretion of the Bank and no consent or approval from the Customer is required for such assignment or transfer. These Terms and Conditions will continue to be effective against the Customer, and the Customer agrees to be bound and continue to be bound by these Terms and Conditions notwithstanding such assignment or transfer. The Customer may not assign or transfer any of its rights and/or obligations hereunder to any other entity/person without the Bank’s written approval.

Related to 转 让 Assignment

  • 当社の責任 (1)当社は、旅行契約の履行にあたって、当社または当社が手配を代行させた者(以下「手配代行者」といいます。)が故意または過失によりお客さまに損害を与えたときは、お客さまが被られた損害を賠償します。ただし、損害発生の翌日から起算して2年以内に当社に対して通知があったときに限ります。

  • Note It is necessary for the Assured when they become aware of an event which is “held covered” under this insurance to give prompt notice to the Underwriters and the right to such cover is dependent upon compliance with this obligation.

  • 完整協議 23.1 本協議包含了雙方的完整諒解。除本協議所載者外,再無任何其他口頭、書面、明示或隱含的承諾、條款或條件。

  • 終止契約 因不可抗力事件之發生,依本契約之規定處理 10 日後,乙方仍無法繼續經營時,雙方應即就是否繼續履行本契約或相關處理方案進行協商。如於事件發生 30 日後仍無法達成協議時,任何一方均得以書面通知他方終止本契約之一部或全部。

  • 直销机构 指富国基金管理有限公司

  • 契約条項を示す場所 神奈川県横浜市中区海岸通1-1 横浜税関総務部会計課用度係

  • 審查、查驗或驗收不合格,且未於通知期限內依規定辦理者 11.有破產或其他重大情事,致無法繼續履約者。

  • 定期契約 工作地點 桃園龍潭 教育程度 學士

  • 武术比赛 指两人或两人以上对抗性柔道、空手道、跆拳道、散打、拳击等各种拳术及使用器械的对抗性比赛。

  • 基金费用的种类”中第 4-11 项费用,根据有关法规及相应协议规定 按费用实际支出金额列入当期费用,由基金托管人从基金财产中支付。