技术细则 Sample Contracts

编 号:AP- 276-TR-2014-01
技术细则 • February 28th, 2014

第一部分 经营人基本信息 Part One Basic information of the operator 1.经营人法定全名Full legal name of the operator 2.经营人基地机场Base airport of the operator 3.航空公司 ICAO 三字/二字代码ICAO Code of the operator 4.经营人公共运输企业经营许可(依据:CCAR-276-R1 第二条、第十八条、第十九条(二))Public Air Transport Operator’s Certificate (Article 2,18,19(2) of CCAR-276-R1) 经营人是否持有公共航空运输企业经营许可Whether the applicant has the Public Air Transport Operator’s Certificate □ 是(若是,请附上公共运输企业经营许可复印件)□ Yes (if yes, please attach the copy of the Public Air Transport Operator’s Certificate □ 否(若否,不具备申请危险品航空运输许可资格,请停止申请)□ No (if no, stop applying) 5.经营人联系方式Contact information of the operator 电话号码 Tel 传真号码 Fax 电子邮箱 E-mail 通讯地址 Post address 6.许可申请工作联系人信息Contact information of person responsible for the application 联系人姓名 Name 职务 Title