BCD Travel’s responsibilities Voorbeeld Klousules

BCD Travel’s responsibilities. When selling air tickets (seat only), BCD Travel only acts as an agent for the airline company/ies participating in the flight ser- vices they offer. Therefore, these companies are responsible for ensuring that transportation of the traveler is carried out cor- rectly. For reservations made through NordicBusinessOnline HOTEL, the agreement is made between the person making the reserva- tion and the hotel. BCD Travel acts exclusively as the reservation facilitator. BCD Travel’s responsibility only covers our own errors and our »Price Commitment«. However, BCD Travel’s »Price Commitment« only applies the day of reservation (midnight) and as indicated in the confirmation and as stated under »Comments« in the electronic itinerary issued for the journey. BCD Travel’s »Price Commitment« (the total price) includes all taxes and levies known at the time of reservation. Any increases/decrease in price, taxes and levies or other charges that may be applied in the period between the day of reservation (midnight) and commencement of the trip are not covered by the »Price Commitment«. Various local taxes and charges applicable in various locations throughout the world and charges for personal consumption (room service, film channels etc.) are payable upon departure and are not included in our »Price Commitment«/in the »Total Price«. All reservations and price information and the use of NordicBusinessOnline and the associated web site are subject to applicable Danish law and, in the event of dispute, shall be settled accordingly. BCD Travel cannot be held responsible for errors in the electronic reservation system, lost data etc. as a result of cable breaks, computer and internet faults and conditions attributable to force majeure situations or similar over which BCD Travel has no con- trol. 5. Use of the Internet-based NordicBusinessOnline Reserva- tion system NordicBusinessOnline may solely be used for making legal and factual reservations and ticket purchases. It is not permitted to make speculative enquiries, false or fraudulent reservations which could be commercially abused. Use of NordicBusinessOnline requires a company profile to be set up and access to the NordicBusinessOnline reservation system requires regular, legal use thereof. BCD Travel reserves the right to close access to NordicBusinessOnline without warning if there are any irregularities in its use. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to the reservation system may result in legal action being taken. ...