APPENDIXES Примерни клаузи
APPENDIXES. Appendix № Document Number Description
I. Documents to be prepared for participation in the procedure
1. A European single procurement document proving the absence of grounds for elimination as per Art. 54, para. 1 and Art. 55, para. 1 p. 1 (PPA).
2. Technical Offer prepared based on the requirements in the technical specification, as per templates;
2.1. Declaration as per Art. 39, para. 3 letter “в” (PPA Application Rules on the acceptance of draft contract provisions) – as per template.
APPENDIXES. Appendix № Document Number Description Поз./ Pos. № AES Мат./Mat. № Описание/Description Количество/ Quantity Мярка/ Unit Ед.цена/ Unit price EUR Стойност/ Total price EUR
APPENDIXES. Appendix № Document number Description
APPENDIXES. № Document number Description
1 МЕ1-MP-TRM-0400-А1 Bill of quantities
I. Preparation of the documents for participation in the procedure
1. A European single procurement document proving the absence of grounds for elimination as per Art. 54, para. 1 and Art. 55, para. 1 p. 1 (PPA) - as per sample form of the European commission, available at address: xxxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/xxxxx/xxxx
1.1. Grounds for removal
1.2. Other grounds for exclusion provided for under the national law of the contracting authority or the contracting entity of a Member State:
APPENDIXES. A list of the documents provided by Contracting authority to the Contractor : МЕ1-MP-TRM-0336-А1 Bill of quantities Appendix 2 Technical requirements for fire resistant solution‘Formula 5P’ Appendix 3 Technical requirements for fire resistant solution “Formula 15R” Appendix 4 Technical requirements for fire resistant solution Formula 26Р Appendix 5 Technical requirements for activator of fire resistant solution Appendix 6 Technical requirements for fire resistant solution ‘Thermbond 7206’ Appendix 7 Technical requirements for fire resistant solution ‘Thermbond 7229’ Appendix 8 Technical requirements for fire resistant solution ‘Formula 6-AL’ Appendix 9 Technical requirements for fire resistant solution ‘Formula 12-AL’ Заличено съгласно чл. 23, ал. 2 от ЗЗЛД Заличено съгласно чл. 23, ал. 2 от ЗЗЛД Заличено съгласно чл. 23, ал. 2 от ЗЗЛД Заличено съгласно чл. 23, ал. 2 от ЗЗЛД
APPENDIXES. List of documents provided by the Contracting Authority: МЕ1-FGD-TRM-0461-А1 Price offer - for annual technical inspection services and repair and restoration of equipment from plaster silos "Eurosilo B.V" МЕ1-FGD-TRM-0461-А2 Price offer - for supply of spare parts for plaster silos "Eurosilo B.V"
Част I: Информация за процедурата за възлагане на обществена поръчка и за възлагащия орган или възложителя Номер на обявлението в ОВ S: OJS URL Публикация в РОП Идентифициране на възложителя Официално наименование: Държава: Информация относно процедурата за възлагане на обществена поръчка Кратко описание: Референтен номер на досието, определен от възлагащия орган или възложителя (ако е приложимо):
Част II: Информация за икономическия оператор A: Информация за икономическия оператор Име: