GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 1. The employees of the Contracting Entity and the Contractor who organize and manage work processes shall be responsible for ensuring health and safety at work of the workers involved in the activities they manage. They shall immediately inform each other of all dangers and hazards.
GENERAL REQUIREMENTS. 1. The employees of the Contracting Entity and the Contractor who organize and manage work processes shall be responsible for ensuring health and safety at work of the workers involved in the activities they manage. They shall immediately inform each other of all dangers and hazards. 2. No other activities except the agreed ones can be performed on the worksite or, by exception, activities subject to prior written permission by the Contracting Entity after special instruction of the Contractor’s employees. 3. Movement of workers on site shall take place along designated routes, care being taken of any uneven surfaces, open shafts, moving vehicles and other marked or unmarked dangers threatening life and health. 4. If an activity is performed by employees of the Contracting Entity and of the Contractor in a single room and/or at two levels, the persons mentioned in Art. 1 hereof shall take measures to ensure their mutual safety. 5. During work access shall be prohibited to any unauthorized persons who are not directly involved in the performance of the agreed activities. 6. Equipment, ladders and platforms used for work at height shall be standard and shall meet all safety requirements. 7. When carrying out hot works, employees of the Contracting Entity and the Contractor shall observe the fire safety rules. Smoking on the premises of the Contracting Entity is only allowed in the designated areas. 8. In case of or likelihood of occurrence of serious and


  • СРОК НА ДОГОВОРА. СРОК И МЯСТО НА ИЗПЪЛНЕНИЕ Чл. 4. Договорът влиза в сила на посочената в началото му дата, на която е подписан от Страните и е със срок на действие до изпълнение на всички поети от Страните задължения по Договора, но за не повече от 1 (една) година, считано от датата на сключване на договора.

  • ЦЕНИ И НАЧИН НА ПЛАЩАНЕ Чл. 2. (1) Цената на договора е …………….. /……………………………/ лева без ДДС, ДДС в размер на ………………. /……………………../ лева или обща стойност на договора ………………….. /………………………………../ лева.

  • Начин на плащане (3.1) Плащанията се извършват в български лева, с платежно нареждане по следната банкова сметка, посочена от Изпълнителя: *