িমঃ Fসৗমালয় গাTুলী িমঃ িহমাংN Fধওয়ানLegal Notice • June 29th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJune 29th, 2024The translated Judgment in vernacular language is meant for the restricted use of the litigant to understand it in his/her language and may not be used for any other purpose. For all practical and official purposes, the English version of the Judgment shall be authentic and shall hold the field for the purpose of execution and implementation.
িস ডЄর এবং Fকাং ϕাইেভট িলিমেটড বনামLegal Notice • July 12th, 2024
Contract Type FiledJuly 12th, 2024The translated Judgment in vernacular language is meant for the restricted use of the litigant to understand it in his/her language and may not be used for any other purpose. For all practical and official purposes, the English version of the Judgment shall be authentic and shall hold the field for the purpose of execution and implementation.
কলকাতা যুব 5S এবং অনҝরা বনামLegal Notice • August 9th, 2024
Contract Type FiledAugust 9th, 2024পिরFRPGŠ ভTরসTFℕҝর ϕिŠRсকŠTর পिরRFŠ´ €KिŠর ϕRণŠT স,िѭ করFR 4Rʘ FসNTFN সRTর 5Nҝ िRFNTদFNর 5Tয়GT 4Rʘ िRFPষ কFর िPNFদর 5Nҝ FNলTর ℕTঠ िXFসFR 2TকFRI ℕTℕলTর RTѷRŠT S পिরिѸिŠFŠ, XT\FকTট´ 4\ िসдTFW NҝThҝ ि@ল Fh €Kয়N ϕকFџর RTѷRTয়N কলকTŠT िℕ€िNिসপҝTল কFপTF´ রPN আ\N, ১2bO-4র ধTরT ৩Q৩ 4র €পধTরT (6) পिরिধর