Xxx Treatment We have not promised you any particular tax outcome from buying or holding the Note.
Denial of Preferential Tariff Treatment Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the importing Party may deny a claim for preferential tariff treatment or recover unpaid duties, where the good does not meet the requirements under this Chapter or Chapter Three (Rules of Origin).
Sale Treatment The Company has determined that the disposition of the Mortgage Loans pursuant to this Agreement will be afforded sale treatment for accounting and tax purposes;
Medical Treatment Undersigned understands that the Released Parties do not have medical personnel available at the location of the activities. Undersigned hereby grants the Released Parties permission to administer first aid or to authorize emergency medical treatment, if necessary. Undersigned understands and agrees that any such action by the Released Parties shall be subject to the terms of this agreement and release, including any liability arising from the negligence of the Released Parties when administering first aid or authorizing others to do so. Undersigned understands and agrees that the Released Parties do not assume responsibility for any injury or damage which might arise out of or in connection with such authorized emergency medical treatment.
Emergency Medical Treatment I grant the Releasees permission to authorize emergency medical treatment as they deem appropriate, and agree that such action by the Releasees shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement. I understand and agree that the Releasees assume no responsibility for any injury or damage that might result from such emergency medical treatment.
National Treatment and Most-favoured-nation Treatment (1) Each Contracting Party shall accord to investments of investors of the other Contracting Party, treatment which shall not be less favourable than that accorded either to investments of its own or investments of investors of any third State. (2) In addition, each Contracting Party shall accord to investors of the other Contracting Party, including in respect of returns on their investments, treatment which shall not be less favourable than that accorded to investors of any third State. (3) The provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) above shall not be construed so as to oblige one Contracting Party to extend to the investors of the other the benefit of any treatment, preference or privilege resulting from: (a) Any existing or future free trade area, customs unions, monetary union or similar international agreement or other forms of regional cooperation to which one of the Contracting Parties is or may become a party, or (b) Any matter pertaining wholly or mainly to taxation.
Equitable Treatment ICANN shall not apply standards, policies, procedures or practices arbitrarily, unjustifiably, or inequitably and shall not single out Registry Operator for disparate treatment unless justified by substantial and reasonable cause.
Treatment The Asset Representations Reviewer agrees to hold and treat Confidential Information given to it under this Agreement in confidence and under the terms and conditions of this Section 4.08, and will implement and maintain safeguards to further assure the confidentiality of the Confidential Information. The Confidential Information will not, without the prior consent of the Issuer and the Servicer, be disclosed or used by the Asset Representations Reviewer, or its officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives or affiliates, including legal counsel (collectively, the “Information Recipients”) other than for the purposes of performing Reviews of Review Receivables or performing its obligations under this Agreement. The Asset Representations Reviewer agrees that it will not, and will cause its Affiliates to not (i) purchase or sell securities issued by the Seller or its Affiliates or special purpose entities on the basis of Confidential Information or (ii) use the Confidential Information for the preparation of research reports, newsletters or other publications or similar communications.
Consistent Treatment Unless and until there has been a Final Determination to the contrary, each Party agrees not to take any position on any Tax Return, in connection with any Tax Contest or otherwise that is inconsistent with (i) the treatment of payments between the Parent Group and the SpinCo Group as set forth in Section 5.4, (ii) the Tax Materials or (iii) the Intended Tax Treatment.
Medication Assisted Treatment This plan covers medication assisted treatment for substance use disorders, including methadone maintenance treatment. Please see the Summary of Medical Benefits for specific copayments for these services.