Contract Management Contractor shall report to the Health and Human Services Agency Director or his or her designee who will review the activities and performance of the Contractor and administer this Contract.
Trunk Group Architecture and Traffic Routing 5.2.1 The Parties shall jointly establish Access Toll Connecting Trunks between CLEC and CBT by which they will jointly provide Tandem-transported Switched Exchange Access Services to Interexchange Carriers to enable such Interexchange Carriers to originate and terminate traffic from and to CLEC's Customers. 5.2.2 Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be used solely for the transmission and routing of Exchange Access and non-translated Toll Free traffic (e.g., 800/888) to allow CLEC’s Customers to connect to or be connected to the interexchange trunks of any Interexchange Carrier that is connected to the CBT access Tandem. 5.2.3 The Access Toll Connecting Trunks shall be one-way or two-way trunks, as mutually agreed, connecting an End Office Switch that CLEC utilizes to provide Telephone Exchange Service and Switched Exchange Access Service in the given LATA to an access Tandem Switch CBT utilizes to provide Exchange Access in the LATA.
HIV/AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines Grantee will: a. implement the System Agency’s policies based on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), AIDS Model Workplace Guidelines for Businesses at xxxx://xxx.xxxx.xxxxx.xx.xx/hivstd/policy/policies.shtm, State Agencies and State Grantees Policy No. 090.021. b. educate employees and clients concerning HIV and its related conditions, including AIDS, in accordance with the Texas. Health & Safety Code §§ 85.112-114.
Project Management Project Management Institute (PMI) certified project manager executing any or all of the following: • Development of Project Charter • Development of project plan and schedule • Coordination and scheduling of project activities across customer and functional areas • Consultation on operational and infrastructure requirements, standards and configurations • Facilitate project status meetings • Timely project status reporting • Address project issues with functional areas and management • Escalation of significant issues to customers and executive management • Manage project scope and deliverable requirements • Document changes to project scope and schedule • Facilitate and document project closeout
Project Management Plan Developer is responsible for all quality assurance and quality control activities necessary to manage the Work, including the Utility Adjustment Work. Developer shall undertake all aspects of quality assurance and quality control for the Project and Work in accordance with the approved Project Management Plan and
Department’s Contract Manager The Department’s Contract Manager, who is primarily responsible for the Department’s oversight of the Contract, will be identified in a separate writing to the Contractor upon Contract signing in the following format: Department’s Contract Manager Name Department’s Name Department’s Physical Address Department’s Telephone # Department’s Email Address If the Department changes the Contract Manager, the Department will notify the Contractor. Such a change does not require an amendment to the Contract.
PREVAILING WAGE RATES - PUBLIC WORKS AND BUILDING SERVICES CONTRACTS If any portion of work being Bid is subject to the prevailing wage rate provisions of the Labor Law, the following shall apply:
Supervisors Working (a) The Employer agrees that the function of supervisors is the supervision of Employees and not the performance of the work of the employees they supervise. Accordingly, the Employer agrees that supervisors or other employees of the Employer who are not members of the bargaining unit shall not perform any bargaining unit work, except to train employees or demonstrate safety, or as otherwise provided in the applicable Supplement, Rider or Addendum. However, in the case of Acts of God, supervisors shall comply with the procedures in subsections (b) and (c) and may only perform bargaining unit work until bargaining unit employees are available. The Employer shall make every reasonable effort to maintain a sufficient workforce to staff its operations with bargaining unit employees. The Employer also agrees that supervisors or other employees of the Employer who are not members of the bargaining unit shall not perform bargaining unit work in preparing the work areas before the start of the Employer’s hub, preload or reload operation, nor shall the Employer send any bargaining unit employee home and then have such employee’s work performed by a supervisor or other employees of the Employer who are not a member of the bargaining unit. (b) When additional employees are necessary to complete the Employer’s operations on any shift or within any classification, the supervisor shall exhaust all established local practices to first use bargaining unit employees including where applicable, double shifting, early call-in, and overtime. (c) If there is no established local practice, the following shall apply with regard to inside work. Within each building, each operation will maintain appropriate list(s), by seniority, of those part-time employees requesting coverage work. It will be the employees’ responsibility to sign up on the appropriate list. The Company shall post such lists and employees who are interested in adding their names to the lists shall do so on the first working day of each month. It will be the employee’s responsibility to make sure his/her their contact information is correct. Employees who are unavailable to work on three (3) separate occasions within a calendar month shall have their names removed from the coverage list. Those employees shall be eligible to re-sign the list the following month. When coverage work is available, the Company will use the appropriate list to fill the required positions, and such employees will work as assigned. The employee must be qualified for the available work and double shift employees shall have seniority among themselves. No employee is allowed to work more than two (2) shifts in any twenty-four (24) hour period. Local call verification practices and procedures shall remain in place. Nothing contained in this Section shall change existing practices or procedures covering full-time work. (d) If it is determined at any step of the grievance and/or arbitration procedure that this Section, or a “supervisor working” provision in a Supplement, Rider or Addendum, has been violated, the aggrieved employee will be paid as follows: (i) if the actual hours worked by the supervisor amounts to two (2) hours or less, the aggrieved employee will be paid for the actual hours worked by the supervisor at the rate of double time the employee’s rate of pay at the time of the incident; or (ii) if the supervisor works more than two (2) hours, the aggrieved employee shall be paid four (4) hours at straight time or actual hours worked at double time the employee’s rate of pay at the time of the incident, whichever is greater. If no aggrieved employee can be identified, the payment will be made to the grievant. Such remedy shall be in addition to any other remedies sought by the Union in the appropriate grievance procedure. If a Supplement, Rider, or Addendum does not have a provision requiring notice to the xxxxxxx when a supervisor works the following shall be incorporated: “In the event a supervisor does perform bargaining unit work, the Employer shall notify the appropriate shop xxxxxxx as soon as possible.” In the event that any individual supervisor is found to be in violation of the first paragraph of this Subsection three (3) times in any nine (9) month rolling period, the grievance shall be paid at triple quadruple time the employee’s rate of pay for the hours specified in the first paragraph of this subsection.
Network Management 56.1 CLEC and CenturyLink will exchange appropriate information (e.g., network information, maintenance contact numbers, escalation procedures, and information required to comply with requirements of law enforcement and national security agencies) for network management purposes. In addition, the Parties will apply sound network management principles to alleviate or to prevent traffic congestion and to minimize fraud associated with third number billed calls, calling card calls, and other services related to this Agreement. 56.2 The Parties will employ characteristics and methods of operation that will not interfere with or impair the Parties’ networks, or the network of any third parties or Affiliated companies, connected with or involved directly in the network or facilities of CenturyLink. 56.3 CLEC shall not interfere with or impair service over any circuits, facilities or equipment of CenturyLink, its Affiliated companies, or its connecting and concurring carriers. 56.4 If CLEC causes any impairment or interference, CenturyLink shall promptly notify CLEC of the nature and location of the problem and that, unless promptly rectified, a temporary discontinuance of the use of any circuit, facility or equipment may be required. The Parties agree to work together to attempt to promptly resolve the impairment or interference. If CLEC is unable to promptly remedy, then CenturyLink may, at its option, temporarily discontinue the use of the affected circuit, facility or equipment until the impairment is remedied. 56.5 Any violation of Applicable Law or regulation regarding the invasion of privacy of any communications carried over CenturyLink’s facilities, or that creates hazards to the employees of CenturyLink or to the public, is also considered an impairment of service. 56.6 CenturyLink shall give advanced notice to CLEC of all non-scheduled maintenance or other planned network activities to be performed by CenturyLink on any Network Element, including any hardware, equipment, software, or system, providing service functionality of which CLEC has advised CenturyLink may potentially impact CLEC End Users. 56.7 The Parties shall provide notice of network changes and upgrades in accordance with 47 C.F.R. §§51.325 through 51.335. CenturyLink may discontinue any Interconnection arrangement, Telecommunications Service, or Network Element provided or required hereunder due to network changes or upgrades after providing CLEC notice as required by this Section. CenturyLink agrees to cooperate with CLEC and/or the appropriate regulatory body in any transition resulting from such discontinuation of service and to minimize the impact to customers which may result from such discontinuance of service.
Synchronization, Commissioning and Commercial Operation 4.1.1 The Power Producer shall give at least fifteen (15) days written notice to the SLDC / ALDC / DISCOM as the case may be, of the date on which it intends to synchronize the Power Project to the Grid System. 4.1.2 Subject to Article 4.1.1, the Power Project may be synchronized by the Power Producer to the Grid System when it meets all the connection conditions prescribed in the Grid Code and otherwise meets all other Indian legal requirements for synchronization to the Grid System. 4.1.3 The synchronization equipment and all necessary arrangements / equipment including Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) for scheduling of power generated from the Project and transmission of data to the concerned authority as per applicable regulation shall be installed by the Power Producer at its generation facility of the Power Project at its own cost. The Power Producer shall synchronize its system with the Grid System only after the approval of GETCO / SLDC / ALDC and GEDA. 4.1.4 The Power Producer shall immediately after each synchronization / tripping of generator, inform the sub-station of the Grid System to which the Power Project is electrically connected in accordance with applicable Grid Code. 4.1.5 The Power Producer shall commission the Project within SCOD. 4.1.6 The Power Producer shall be required to obtain Developer and/ or Transfer Permission, Key Plan drawing etc, if required, from GEDA. In cases of conversion of land from Agricultural to Non-Agriculture, the commissioning shall be taken up by GEDA only upon submission of N.A. permission by the Power Producer. 4.1.7 The Power Producer shall be required to follow the Forecasting and Scheduling procedures as per the Regulations issued by Hon’ble GERC from time to time. It is to clarify that in terms of GERC (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters of Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2019 the procedures for Forecasting, Scheduling & Deviation Settlment are applicable to all solar generators having combined installed capacity above 1 MW connected to the State Grid / Substation including those connected via pooling stations.