Account Identification. You understand that the Firm will provide you with an identification number setting out the Account number for each Account you open. This number will be used as a means of identifying you in placing instructions.
Appears in 6 contracts
Samples: Client Account Agreement, Client Account Agreement, Client Account Agreement
Account Identification. You understand that the Firm we will provide you with an identification number setting out the Account account number for each Account account you open. This number will be used as a means of identifying you in placing instructionsorders.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Account and Service Agreements, Account and Services Agreements, Account and Services Agreements
Account Identification. You understand that the Firm will provide you with an identification number setting out the Account account number for each Account account you open. This number will be used as a means of identifying you in placing instructions.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Client Account Agreement