Actual Salary. The annual salary actually paid to a Member. Actual salary may be different from nominal salary for one or more of the following reasons:
Actual Salary. The actual salary of the Actor agreed upon shall be stated in the contract and a lesser or fictitious salary shall not be stated in the contract. A new contract will be issued and signed whenever the Actor's salary is increased.
Actual Salary. The nominal salary of a Member which is pro-rated to reflect a permanent part-time status, reduced periods of responsibility (RPR), or a negotiated or academic leave.
Actual Salary. The annual salary actually paid to a Member. Actual salary may be different from nominal salary for one or more of the following reasons: It is pro-rated to reflect permanent part-time status, a period of reduced responsibility, a Negotiated or Academic leave; The Member holds a Reduced Responsibility appointment; The Member is paid an administrative stipend. Members of the Bargaining Unit who are Term or Continuing Adjuncts.
Actual Salary. The employee’s actual salary for the period of this Agreement is:
Actual Salary is the salary received by a Member on a Reduced Load appointment, and shall be a negotiated proportion of the Reference Salary.
Actual Salary. The actual salary of the Artist agreed upon shall be stated in the Individual Artist Agreement and a lesser or fictitious salary shall not be stated in the contract or rider. A new Individual Artist Agreement shall be issued and signed whenever the Artist's salary is increased.
Actual Salary. The actual salary of the Actor or Stage Manager agreed upon shall be stated in the contract and a lesser or fictitious salary shall not be stated in the contract. A rider to the Actor’s or Stage Manager’s contract shall be issued if their salary is increased, provided any such increase shall be the result of bona fide renegotiation of their contractual salary.
Actual Salary. That part of the last earned salary that the employee earns while participating in this scheme.
Actual Salary. The actual salary of the Employee agreed upon shall be stated in the contract and a lesser or fictitious salary shall not be stated in the contract. A rider to the Employee’s contract shall be issued if the Employee’s salary is increased, provided any such increase shall be the result of bona fide renegotiation of the Employee’s contractual salary.