Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party within the Greater Xxxxxx River Watershed Planning area desiring to become a member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a governing board resolution that includes a request to the Policy Advisory Committee to join The Watershed Alliance for the Greater Xxxxxx. The party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement; including but not limited to the bylaws, policies and procedures adopted by the Policy Advisory Committee.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying local unit of government that desires to become a Party to this Agreement at any time later than 60-days following State approval of the Plan, may become a Party upon the adoption of the Plan by the Party’s governing board and by submitting to the Entity evidence its governing board agrees to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and to be bound by the same. Upon receipt of such evidence, the governing board shall issue a signature page to the local government unit and instructions to execute and return the same to the Entity along with the name and contact data of the representatives appointed by the local government unit to serve on the governing board.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party within Minnesota River- Mankato Watershed desiring to become a member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a board resolution prior to a date that is six months from the BWSR One Watershed, One Plan Planning Grant Agreement execution. The party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement; including but not limited to the bylaws, policies, and procedures adopted by the Policy Committee.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party within the North Fork Crow River Watershed that is responsible for water planning and resource management according to Minnesota State Statutes desiring to become a member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a governing board resolution that includes a request to the Policy Committee, as described below, to join the NFCRC and a statement that the qualifying party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement; including but not limited to the bylaws, policies, and procedures adopted by the Policy Committee. The Policy Committee will review request and decide/approve membership with a two-thirds, super-majority vote of all members.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party within the Xxxxxx River Watershed Planning Area that is responsible for water planning and resource management under Minnesota State Statutes desiring to become a member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a governing board resolution that includes a request to the CRWJPB to join the One Watershed, One Plan for the Xxxxxx River and a statement that the qualifying party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of this Agreement; including but not limited to the bylaws, policies and procedures adopted by the CRWJPB.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party desiring to become a member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a board resolution prior to date to be determined. The party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement; including but not limited to the bylaws, policies and procedures adopted by the Policy Committee.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party desiring to become a member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a board resolution prior to June 30, 2017. The party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement, including but not limited to the bylaws, policies, and procedures adopted by the Policy Committee.
Adding Additional Parties. A body politic and corporate within the State of Colorado may become a Party to this Agreement by (i) obtaining the approval of the Board and (ii) executing a signature page signifying its acceptance of all the provisions of this Agreement. Among other considerations, the Board shall consider the potential Party’s connection to 9-1-1 service in Arapahoe County.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party desiring to become a member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a board resolution prior to a date that is six months from the BWSR One Watershed, One Plan Planning Grant Agreement execution. The party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement; including but not limited to the bylaws, policies and procedures adopted by the Policy Committee.
Adding Additional Parties. A qualifying party within the Yellow Medicine One Watershed One Plan boundary that is responsible for water planning and resource management according to Minnesota Statutes desiring to become an added member of this Agreement shall indicate its intent by adoption of a governing board resolution. The party agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the Agreement; including but not limited to the bylaws, policies and procedures adopted by the Policy Committee.